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Justice orders the release of the director of Dersa and four other people arrested by PF in action against deviations in Rodoanel | County Dublin hotels
Federal Justice ordered the release of the director of Dersa (S / A Rodoviário department), Pedro Paulo Dantas Amaral and four other prisoners by the Federal Police (PF) during Operation Pedra no Caminho, who investigates misappropriation of public funds from the work of the northern section of Mário Covas Rodoanel in São Paulo.
The suspects involved in the criminal scheme were arrested last Thursday (21) and were remanded in custody on the second (25).
In the decision, Judge Maria Isabel do Prado, of the 5th Federal Criminal Court of São Paulo, declares that "there is more interest from the police or the Public Prosecutor's Office" Federal, organs exclusively competent to investigate the public crimes, maintaining the prison of the investigados ".
In a note, Daniel Bialski, the defense attorney of Dersa's director, states that "the justice acknowledged that there was no reason, motive and need for this arrest arbitrary of Pedro Paulo, and will soon recognize that there was no wrongfulness ".
In addition to Dantas, they were released:
Benedito Aparecido Trida, Head of Dersa Department
Adriano Francisco Bianconcini Trbadi, Department Head of Dersa;
Edison Mineiro Ferreira dos Santos, employee of Dersa;
Valdir dos Santos Paula
Two other suspects are still in prison. Among them, Laurence Casagrande Lourenço. Main objective of the operation, Casagrande is the former CEO of Dersa, a state-owned company in São Paulo responsible for the alleged work of Rodoanel. Prior to being detained, he presided over the Companhia Energética de São Paulo (Cesp).
Laurence Casagrande Lourenço, president of Dersa (Photo: Carlos Santos / G1)
] During the past year, Laurence has accumulated the position of Secretary of Transport and Government Logistics Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) and left the portfolio when Márcio França (PSB) government. He has been part of the Toucan government for 17 years and has worked for the Public Security Secretariat and Casa Foundation (see below for Alckmin and other organizations).
The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) estimates that there has been a $ 600 million overshooting in labor costs done by the OAS and Mendes Junior. The public prosecutor, Anamara Osorio Silva, said after the hearing that the continued arrests of these seven people is essential for further investigations.
Operation Pedra no Caminho also served 51 search and seizure warrants in the cities of São Paulo, Carapicuíba, Arujá, Bofete, Ribeirão Preto and São Pedro, in the State of São Paulo, as well as in Marataízes and Itapemirim, Espírito Santo. The target of the 15th term of imprisonment is abroad.
The northern section of the Rodoanel is still under construction and, when it is ready, it will connect Rodovia dos Bandeirantes to the Presidente Dutra highway (see map below).
The investigations, a joint work done by MPF, PF, TCU and CGU, indicate an over invoicing of more than 600 million reais in the work of the northern part of Rodoanel. Also according to the surveys, there are indications that public officials and businessmen have committed bribery, criminal organization, auction fraud, crime against the order economic and misappropriation of public funds.
Work began in 2013 and is not yet complete. The card shows the Rodoanel and explains the new fraud investigation (Photo: Infographic: Juliane Monteiro / G1) "The card shows the Rodoanel and explains the new fraud investigation" (Photo: Infographics: Juliane Monteiro / G1) src = "Data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAA3ABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGwAAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQAAgEFBgf / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgD / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAffnua64sjmlCLuEHKiprwVmVyadgZNxyJJBoeRP / 8QAIRAAAgICAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQSEQUTIiMUFSH / 2gAIAQEAAQUC OIy8BRRYdoeZWA1j9jGshFZU + + + + tRGV 78m07YPvi loDINAmXGteyeVGoystq51qIzkOEmqi8pZTmolAa2q6rVlTzn xAAbEQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgAQETFBYf // / // aAAgBAwEBPwFlK7gCdMOOTPlmv EABgRAAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESAh / 9oACAECAQE / AU5NFb // xAAvEAABAwMBBAcJAAAAAAAAAAABAAIRAxIxISNBgZEQEzJSYnGTMzRCQ2OCksHR / 9oACAEBAAY / AvdiN2UJbjwlWguDRgBq38k DXotYGkuFlWdeS1P7TLjUEdxxC d6zk3cJyhBfwCFgafN0Fdil + Z + / iNTrKrnd11dxA4K66fNCLZxqvhU36n6SIeC / 7IQ2Z5LCdZWpuhxadovaM9UqC nPhdPRLaIoyZLbRlaQeCwOSwF + // 8QAIxAAAgIBAwQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAMSFBUWEQgZHRcaHwsf / aAAgBAQ ABPyEVyi8B9zLTZBeCWxdMXtclcqQTEcHuB / SFmylLrU5Pw5jGarwhAlAgYcO 0ZEV + / + // + A6GA 1JcY3mV60hUVOWwAI4QUAYf5MeEcF 8EEjriEYK03onGhEAKBBEaQMFs5laEKAypzCNzI3kIreXbbLBWCfhFJ 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABCycEJMT6D / xAAeEQEBAAEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQgcExcaGx0f / aAAgBAwEBPxBWI2R9LiCoPa8mSlXacuBDo8 / cRGOiqun / xAAaEQEAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABACEQETFh / 9oACAECAQE / EAsRdqJbsT2CJswUY // EACIQAQEAAwACAQQDAAAAAAAAAAERACExQWFREKHw8XGR0f / aAAgBAQABPxBzePCosd8n30YdXRFuOeb6MsdAVOnyivc / Cv8AMZN80iR4VVrCbHFHQURuhwG8NLktVUQiB555v6byWqKJPPVG73j3aAER2XLQl3zFRu0ACumLTvn6VJnzG8tU6XQk10hiiBps9CnPPxlvlsYVKe56z1YLwdnewCkR / B [19659020] <img clbad = "content-media__image picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "The card shows the Rodoanel and explains the new fraud investigation (Photo: Infographics: Juliane Monteiro / G1)" title = "The card shows the Rodoanel and explains the new fraud investigation (photo: Infographic : Juliane Monteiro / G1) "data-src =" x3540 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / /
The card shows the Rodoanel and explains the new fraud investigation (Photo
The reports of the Federal Audit Office (TCU), the Office of the Comptroller General of the Federal Government (CGU) and an expert report of the Federal Police report fraud, overbilling and overvaluation of contracts signed between Dersa and contractors OAS and Mendes Júnior. The OAS confirms that the PF was at its headquarters in São Paulo and that it is collaborating to provide clarification on new and old projects (see full note below).
The investigations alleged allegation of corrupt practice, criminal organization, bidding fraud, crime against the economic order and deviation of public funds. The works were funded by the Federal Government, the Government of the State of São Paulo and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and were audited by Dersa.
The investigation began in 2016 when an engineer who was occupying the northern section refused to sign the addenda to the construction contract for the stretch. He said that they tried to force him to resign and then transferred him to the area.
The work of the northern section is divided into six lots, started in 2013 and still in progress. In them were found signs of irregularities. Only in Lot 2, badyzed by the TCU, the irregularities amounted to 110 million reals.
"To offset the price has been adopted the practice of" spreadsheet ", common practice in frauds to bid with many items contracted globally, where the offeror offers a higher price than the market for some articles and for others, in order to artificially place themselves as a lower overall price, this means is common in fraudulent auctions, "explains the federal prosecutor.
In lot 1, for example, increases of 16 Between 430% in excavation and explosive services, the tunnel structure, the loading and dismantling of the mortar were unduly added to the work, and in lot 2 there was an increase of 987% (more than R $ 21 million) in excavation and explosive services and in lot 3, increases of up to 1 223%.
"L & # 39; UGT investigation revealed that several contracts were concluded at low prices, by rap the original budget estimates of Dersa, and other services were included by means of additive terms to substantially increase the cost of the works and undermine competition, Unjustified increases of lots 1, 2, 3 and 5 of 143 million reais, "says the Attorney General's office.
Eduardo Carnelós, Laurance lawyer Casagrande Lourenço said that considers the arrest of his client a great injustice.
Dersa, the state responsible for work, said in a note that the government and the agency of São Paulo "are most interested in the progress of the process." Acted in others occasions. "
Former Governor Geraldo Alckmin said through his press office that he had received the news with surprise and" that he was not aware of the data. in which the action of the Federal Police was supported ". Laurence Lourenço enjoys good job confidence and that if there is something illegal, there is an obligation to report, "says the note.
The São Paulo government declared that it determined to General Corregedoria of Administration the opening of the union.
The OAS published the following note: "Federal police officers were this morning at the OAS headquarters in São Paulo, to search and seize documents relating to the work of the Paulista Rodoanel, Responsible for Lots 2 and 3 A former company executive who has been responsible for the project – apart from the company's staff since 2016 – was also temporarily detained.
As a result of these events, the new management of the OAS clarifies the public opinion, our employees, our employees, our creditors and our suppliers, who consider it relevant to leave no doubt or suspicion on the company before it arrives at the control of the company. 39, business, activities and contracts on which there are questions – in the Rodoanel project in particular and in all the others that he executes.
OAS has already signed agreements with Cade and worked with D & ### 39, other regulatory bodies the accounts with the State and the Brazilian people. The new leadership of the OAS understands that collaboration to elucidate such issues is imperative to continue operations according to the highest standards of ethics and corporate transparency, the only possible way to recover the place of business. Excellence that has always held the engineering of the country "
Cesp Cia Energetica of São Paulo replied by note that he would not comment" because the facts, the targets of the l '; operation, did not occur within the company, nor during the period when Mr. Laurence
After the signing by Odebrecht of a clemency agreement with the justice, the former leaders of the Company announced the formation of a cartel formed by large contractors to divide the work on the southern section of Rodoanel
Lot two was with Odebrecht, in an offer which, according to the pleadings, was combined between construction and Dersa (development S / A). At the time of construction, Serra was the governor and Aloysio, head of the state civilian house.
The open investigation after the agreement indicates that once Odebrecht won the call for tenders in 2006, "Mário Rodrigues Júnior, then Technical Director of Dersa, claimed the payment of 1.2 million reais on the ground that these amounts would be allocated to the cost of election campaigns. "
Already in 2007, with Dersa under the direction of Paulo Vieira de Souza, said Paulo Preto, the company renegotiated contracts with Odebrecht and the builders of the other batches of Rodoanel.
• Fraud in the North
In April 2017, a report by Jornal Hoje indicated that the Office of the Attorney General (PGR) was also investigating the overflow of expropriation lands in the northern part of Rodoanel.