Keeping same doctor reduces risk of death, study finds


Among the issues highlighted are ease of communication and trust in the professional


Doctor's Office (iStock / Getty Images)


June 29, 2018, 17:09 – published on Jun 29, 2018, 4:57 pm

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Patients who stayed with the same doctor at over the years reported lower mortality rates suggests an English study published in the medical journal BMJ Open . According to researchers from Exeter University in England, who conducted the study, the human aspect of the practice is that the benefits apply to visits to the general practitioner or to the general practitioner. specialists, with positive results in different cultures and health systems.

The Power of Continuity

Many Experts Recognize That There Are Benefits in Continuity According to the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in the UK, Continuity of Care is Particularly Beneficial for patients with chronic diseases and mental health problems [L&#39;étudeaportésurlesrésultatsde22étudesmenéesdansneufpaysdontl&#39;AngleterrelaFrancelesÉtats-UnisleCanadaetlaCoréeduSudselonlesquelslecontactaveclemêmemédecinpendantdeuxansaentraînémoinsdedécèssurlespériodesétudiéesparrapportauxautrespatientsLeschercheursontditqu&#39;ilestimportantdegarderdesvisiteschezlemêmemédecinetquelaplanificationdelasanté should be a priority .

However, because of work and other daily activities, because they can not wait for the next appointment, which may take weeks to Another problem is the exchange health plan that may not be accepted by the clinic or hospital where the doctor is present.

Best Communication

According to Philip Evans, one of the authors of the research. the patient resorts to the same specialist, the communication is better once they know each other and the doctor understands the needs of the patient as he accompanies him the longest. "This leads to better communication, patient satisfaction, respect for medical advice and reduced use of hospital services," he explained to BBC . Another researcher said that people understand the need for good communication with doctors so that treatment, if necessary, can be prescribed more easily and more accurately.

"It is now clear that it's the quality of medical practice and also a matter of life and death," commented Dr. Denis Pereira Gray

In England, many clinics are already trying different approaches , seeking to appoint a team of health professionals, with specialists and access to medical records is facilitated and it is possible to establish a closer doctor-patient relationship, thus improving treatment.

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