When the Bom Senso Futebol Clube was created, I was invited by his mentor, footballer Paulo André, to collaborate in structuring the motion's proposal regarding the Brazilian football calendar. The first diagnosis I made for the group was very clear: in Brazilian football, big clubs play too much, small clubs play less.
About the fact that small clubs play less, I had to do a study for the movement, showing that at the end of the state championships, between 12,000 and 15,000 players are unemployed. The methodology to reach these numbers was not hard to imagine. It follows:
a) Brazilian football had, in 2014, about 700 clubs competing for state championships, in their various divisions (683 clubs, to be more precise, in a survey that I made it at the time).
b) Only 100 of them played after the state championships: 20 of the Brazilian Serie A, 20 of the Brazilian B-Series, 20 of the Brazilian C-Series and 40 of the D-Series Brazilian (today 68 in the D Series, but at the time they were 40).
c) As a result, 600 clubs that played the state championships were left without activities after these
d) If each club of these 600 had to have 20 players in the cast, it would be 12 thousand jobs of football players who close.
e) If each club in these 600 clubs had 25 players in the lineup, 15,000 football jobs would end.
Based on this diagnosis, I have, Paulo André, Eduardo Conde Tega, Football University, and other collaborators, generated the group's timing proposal, which was aimed , in addition to reducing the number of major club matches, hundreds of small clubs throughout the season, to avoid such an impact of structural unemployment, collecting direct and indirect jobs – something that I've always proposed in my books and articles on this subject.
The biggest reaction to that started … the little clubs! They do not want to play all season, but play only three months, to pocket the money that Televisão's Rede Globo pays them for the state championships and, after that, overwhelm.
It is shameful, but it is real. In their comfort, the leaders of the small clubs do not want to reflect that the activities throughout the season generate a greater visibility of the brand and, consequently, the possibility to sponsor longer. They do not want to reflect the fact that activities throughout the season may have a better chance of attending their games and the attractiveness of television, although modest compared to larger clubs. They do not want to reflect that, with activities throughout the season, they can better display their good revelations, increasing the potential of the numbers with federative rights negotiations.
What the "little enemies" of the little club want, is to play three months, pocket a sum of money on television and disappear until the next season. It is unfortunate and harmful not only for them, but also for the big clubs which, because of that, are linked to very long national championships and all the problems that arise from them.
So there is the potential to have a schedule all season for 160 clubs, and look at it! The ideal of offering seasonal schedules to hundreds of clubs becomes impractical due to the strategic myopia of small club leaders. It's sad, it generates unemployment, but that's the case.
Certainly, if you think small in our football. And so, this one fades. In World Cup season, it's good to remember that 7 x 1 is not a mere coincidence.
* Luis Filipe Chateaubriand is a researcher and nominator of the Brazilian Football Calendar
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