LeBron James will play the 2018-19 NBA season for the Los Angeles Lakers. Owner of three tournament titles, the wing did not accept the Cleveland Cavaliers salary proposal and became a free agent. On the first day of the "moratorium period", when he was able to negotiate with other franchises, the company was in agreement with the Lakers for four seasons, until 2021. The value of the contract will be $ 154 million (approximately R $ 590 million) (19659004)
Voted four times MVP (Most Valuable Player)
– Klutch Sports Group (@KlutchSports) 2 July 2018
of the league, three times in the final and twice a gold medal at the Olympics, LeBron James refused a $ 36 million contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers, a franchise that has been runner-up last season for the NBA.
With the free market athlete, the Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers and Houston Rockets were interested in having the American star of basketball. On Saturday, LeBron was spotted arriving in Los Angeles, and on Sunday night, the deal was settled
The Wing will debut in the Western Conference as it did not start. represented only teams from the East since she joined the American League in 2003 Her first club was the Cleveland Cavaliers, where he stayed from the 2003-04 to 2009-10 season.
In the 2013-14 season, he returned to the Cavs, taking the team to four finals, however, only raised the team. once in 2015-16. In his Instagram, the star thanked the city of Ohio for "four incredible seasons" and said that "there will always be his home."
The hiring of the star represents a resurgence for the Lakers. The NBA's biggest champion with 16 titles, the team dropped with the career decline of Kobe Bryant, who left the courts in 2016, becoming only a supporting member of the Western Conference, not even guaranteeing not a place in the playoffs since the season
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<img src = "https://p2.trrsf.com/image/fget/cf/fit-in/80/30/images.terra.com /2012/10/19/gazetaesportiva.jpg "alt =" Now the California franchise sees in Kyle Kuzma's youth mix, Lonzo Ball and Julius Randle the consecration experience of LeBron James the chance to get back to to be protagonist of the NBA.] Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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