Less than a month after ensuring the safety of cyclone Tim Maia, Crivella says his structure was not ready to slip | New Orleans hotels


"He had been informed that a bus had touched it, but we found that hundreds of cubic meters of earth, which descended that slope, were crossing the street and were using the Cedae tube to push the bike path to the sea, "he said. the mayor.

For the head of the municipal executive power, if there was no Cedae pipe, the ground could have "pbaded under the bike path". Crivella still recalled the tests of the town hall indicating the liberation of the road. The mayor was there on January 25 to carry out an inspection. At the time, Crivella had stated that "there would be no problem if the road was cleared".

"Today, we are on the bike path to perform a load test, it was super-leaning, has 5-meter pegs here that will support in case of thrust.We can guarantee that there will be no problem at all, people will be able to use everything safely, "said the mayor at the end of January.

Already in the afternoon of Thursday (7), after another fall, the mayor repeated his justifications and declared that the was prepared for a slip of the slope of the Niemeyer Avenue.

"It was calculated for a load of multitude, vertical, from top to bottom.It happens that a wave has shifted it up and down without there being any calculation. Then it broke, fell in. A brand new study was done on the case of waves, so the precaution was taken in relation to the sea. Curiously, the tragedy came from the mountain, from the When the tree fell to the ground and the bike lane was not ready, it was a lateral, horizontal force that moved it from the top of the pillar and collapsed, so it's amazing how these unexpected tragedies are happening. in a new study, we will have to take into account the points where the depth of the ground is shallow and where there may be trees with a risk of falling ", explained Crivella.

It was not the first time. On January 31, after the inspection by the public authorities, the MP-RJ had already asked the court that the Tim Maia bike path remained closed.

Near the place where a stretch of the bike path fell, a directional bus from Viação Jabor, connecting the Center to Campo Grande, was buried.

Two people died during another attack on Avenida Niemeyer

occurred around 11:30 am on Wednesday (6) during another landslide on the island. Niemeyer Avenue

two pbadengers were killed. The victims were identified as Tamires Alves dos Santos and Mário Salles de Lucen The driver of the vehicle was able to escape. He was saved with bruises on his body and taken to a hospital in the city.

Firefighters were working approximately 14 hours until the carcbad was removed from the bus, which occurred at 4:10 pm on Thursday. The work of the company's teams was hampered by the large amount of mud and the huge tree that destroyed the bus.

The work of the town hall began shortly thereafter. Public officials proceeded to the removal of the bus, trees, mud and debris on the main runway. There is still no forecast for the reopening of Niemeyer Avenue.

"Rio de Janeiro will probably release the light here with its reflectors and delay the dawn, they can get a better position because they have to watch the side of the hill because they are still likely to fall", explains the director of operations of Cet-Rio, Joaquim Dinis.

  In January, Crivella stated that " <img clbad =" picture content-media__image "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" Crivella said in January that "there would not be of problem if this way were released. "- Photo: Carlos Brito / G1" title = "Crivella said in January that" there would be no problem if the road was released. "- Photo: Carlos Brito / G1" data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/sZKjAPgCsHpM] In January, Crivella said that" there would be no problem if the road was released "- Photo: Carlos Brito / G1 [19659016] Temporal in Rio: the rain killed at least six people, overturned nearly 200 trees and forbidden avenues – Photo: Roberta Jaworski / G1 “title =” Orage à Rio: la pluie a tué au moins six personnes, a renversé près de 200 arbres et avenues interdites – photo: Robert Jaworski / G1 données “src =”: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU FBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCABTABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGwAAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUGBwADCAL / xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQBAAX / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAbzkwvnuajCCkNeB1Cz0eiNxRLB4ylEDA82rtveobNsjFTlLwj6XBUu3sqiHyhDiekd0SaZQwNzCUPszCV // xAAgEAABBQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAADAAECBAUGFRESFBMh / 9oACAEBAAEFAnlXiQIYBg0mivvAieJKJPzU7MBt2EUXnmY6q8oytC02VJdSREtAOXLccNOA7Bpda6Jt0ZvS5Dm1dmeNnmj0tRTsm8Ui / VyTss4S7TIUtfLEAfJJH5JYuQDDspLXwNJzhx9R QxOcJOxMg7tiShyzSubTE9m + / + + qbiegCtS4htg14k0QT 3RWbORaZGZ4 jL0Zf EACURAAIBAQUJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEEBFBkRITJDNRYWKh0f // / // aAAgBAwEBPwEbwKcd8nJjguhs4HHeXsfYlZ6mTWqudnlk1rH6VeZK7 EACARAAMAAQIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAhIDEQQQISMxQVH / 2gAIAQIBAT8BEtzVq HrEzf0mlT2OyKcn1FqR7QkjNE + Fy + // xAA7EAACAQIDAgkGDwAAAAAAAAABAgMAEQQSIQUxEyIyM0FRYXHRFCM0NVLSBhUgQmJygYSRkpOUoaLB / 9oACAEBAAY / ArCJ73toKyIxA7K5V65yt S2 + / + i1xpM9 ytXt31vWreXZNNfMtSwR4xmla2jQuN9aSL / NctKKrg4BmN8yi2lYZFSPNwqahe2ipZkHtZa50 / hVz8HZev0pvdrBYaPYaqzug4U4k3W57quI5JPqzv41zEn67 NBo5QF9nfWz3zhTw8QIv8ASFWl2lGF6s9q9Jh + / PSngVvcLpGrE6X6KiwcMiDJKtz5KgHK1 6KuCDfdauSKBwmz5UkXzbMF4pA0BXvrBzTbMxUvHUyTlem + / + fQb4qxclt1invV6rxP8AT3qE2HxbyDQiJnvfsFYOA41oo ESyR7mBYaH7K4jZx1g186hHBCUcaiTMMwPXWHnMWcJIpd5MpuL76zJswP95A / yvVq / uB4UjMczXOp7 / KF / xAAlEAACAgECBQUBAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFxEFGBkaFhscHR8fD / 2gAIAQEAAT8hNiDS0PMC8hrGASy3T0HYwXIRsSfIg2KFAVAHaFIEaBCJ9J / YZZTMWD31Cw3AMjACyPUS6GXqI / GMAnioG2GFRgAA VPXCUJvANg + + + 3P3n3Eh2UQz48I5kcFEzzrMyZVJ 3CNrJ2JBRthtVckZsdHMXThQyDoAfyIMgsEROuIiwA1N8EI1rDkzwqXw881iHFCiujN21hQuY35rE6Netx6FyEO / BMBcGmCmLJzRvaF5YhGqBk5ZjrN65Rc0Hs NngXUYjEAFSQtgrtHIyOVuAEQGRu5l4Ez15m53n + + // 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEHO3 WD04yWAHP / EACERAQACAgEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExgWGx8BBBUZHB / 9oACAEDAQE / EHEDZqHhFc / sBq3MUVeI0C7H1gG3NzvXeDdDw94rWN dYCnwXVAAHy9 + / T // EACERAAEDBAEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExQZHREFFxobHw / 9oACAECAQE / EBKPYShU2m7N76IXAwnGFExk08bTSXilD8E0kwdJ1LoXAcHSl2uP / 8QAIxABAQACAQMEAwEAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBUWFxkdHxEMHw4f / aAAgBAQABPxBoFH0MYvTNu nXAWq6RS1QRm + / OJJXNNnsGfy / 6waqaXo6L3HqdsKXTG5rrQVfOd5b5ymlVKTxec + / + + 7 OSg8D9eeDDTIOXBzalDCC7no3KVwht47a4z / WBjAauytZunNJ1znlVg9FRTS41xm7ZwiC8 U5N9 / wAcHUJM6vqyzqmtmKHPJYSD6FTjUx0Rp2dfIe34lW4gb4b3sYvbDW8hCAJTptxSTNBKWxfG2TPv3zj9CyJSU611b1UMYHTNiDqGQVRawNnMVF5WMPL2z + E + + MoqUjGOAeu1VtWjFsINBASG8KLmxUXwZE3647eufdYNCrqLoIrojcpVTaXhhlAWO0mg6azeSwSnuNdY6Dxn03 YGSxuD1MdiAaDENkYEgkoIEkEpl2SGmp7XV7 / iIJaRFUBPYAznIiI2Jgm69 / znh935z // Z “/> <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Temporal in Rio: rain killed at least six people, overturned nearly 200 trees and banned avenues – Photo: Robert Jaworski / G1" title = "Thunderstorm in Rio: rain killed at least six people, overturned near 200 trees and forbidden avenues – photo: Robert Jaworski / G1 "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/iIVHQ4P3rOXCmSZEaydX_lzNKFM=/0x0:1600×5327/984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i. Temporal in Rio: Rain killed at least six people, knocked down nearly 200 trees and forbidden avenues – Photo: Roberta Jaworski / G1

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