In 2018, Apple announced a new iPad, which arrived with very interesting technical specifications and the same look of the predecessor. Meanwhile, the company is expected to still introduce a new iPad, this time with some important changes and some news from the iPhone X. Now a big developer of iOS applications says that the next iPad can arrive with Face ID and Animoji [19659002] According to what has been revealed, Apple has recently made a change in AvatarKit, and now it has support for large screens as well as those present on different models of iPad. This AvatarKit is the software responsible for the operation of Animoji and Memoji, and for this reason, it is thought that the next iPad should arrive with the support of this technology.
Not only that, but the presence of Animoji on the next iPad also indicates another novelty: Face ID. That's because for Animoji to work well, Apple is betting on a "TrueDepth" camera, which can track multiple points on its face to provide a precise experience. This same camera is responsible for the operation of Face ID and for this reason, it is speculated that the next iPad will feature the iPhone X face recognition system.
In addition to these two new features, the next iPad should still have other features "borrowed" from the iPhone X. In this case, this tablet may have the new Apple design standard, which is to reduce the edges as much as possible to provide a better use of the screen and, therefore, a better user experience. Apple can still kill the next iPad home button and adopt the gesture system to control the system.
Of course for the moment all this is that a big speculation and there is still no confirmation from Apple that these features will be present on the next iPad . This information should be disclosed by the company only when the device is announced, which should occur by the end of 2018. In the meantime, all that remains is to wait until Other leaks appear on the tablet.
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