Living in "JN", Bonner imitates Galvão and the cry of "Taffarel"


William Bonner surprised the viewers of the National Newspaper because of an unusual attitude

  William Bonner on the bench of the "National Newspaper". William Bonner on the bench of the National Newspaper & # 39; s; "width =" 460 "/>
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William Bonner on the bench of the & # 39; National Newspaper & # 39;

The presenter, who came to imitate the character of Cebolinha (remember here) and even copy the focus of a spectator who sent a video of the campaign Brazil I want (remember here) this time decided to honor the narrator Galvão Bueno

In a World Cup atmosphere, when he went to say goodbye to Renata Vasconcellos, directly from Russia, in a live entry, the journalist was keen to imitate the famous cry of "Sai who is yours, Taffarel!"

Renata commented: "Bonner, Galvão Bueno was absent today because he had no match, but tomorrow he is back." And Galvão has escaped from the crowd. to be filled today with his cry of " Taffareeel !" No one remembers this one any more. "Thank you, Renata," he says, adding tremendously to the tone of his voice when he pronounced the name of the archer, which perhaps surprised some spectators.

Check it out the moment below and also see some of the reactions of the Net surfers:

That's it. is that, Bonner ????

– Flemish, far more than a club than a religion !! Bonner screaming Taffarel in the national newspaper was the funniest thing I saw this year

– Helø | – / (@shapeof_josh) [30 juin 2018]

[ange] [ange] [ange] [ange] [ange] [ange] [194] 59054] [ange] [ange] [ange] [ange] It was good here, I remembered that Bonner shouting Taffarel live and I can not stop laughing

– thyaly ( @thyalyd) June 30, 2018

MY GOD OF SKY Bonner imitating Galvão shouting Taffarel is the real badtou! June 30, 2018


– N. Granda (@natygranda) 19659006] – Ivis. (@a_iviss) June 30, 2018

If I am in this life, I will see William Bonner imitate galvao, shout Taffarel in the national newspaper SERIOUS

– carol hentges (@carolhentgess) June 2018

bading I lived to see Bonner imitating the cry of Taffarel Galvão in the national newspaper HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

– aka Professor Xavier (@xaarlez) June 30, 2018

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