William Bonner again surprises the viewers of the National Newspaper because of an unusual attitude.
The presenter, who came to imitate the character Cebolinha and even copy the focus of a viewer who sent a video of the campaign Brazil that I want, this time decided to "pay homage" to the narrator Galvão Bueno.
In a World Cup atmosphere, when he left to say goodbye to Renata Vasconcellos, directly from Russia, in a live entry, the journalist insisted on imitating the famous cry of "Sai who is yours, Taffarel " eternalized by Galvão.
Renata commented: "Bonner, Galvão Bueno was gone today, because there was no match, but tomorrow he is back and we will come back." Good night to all. and good evening to you. "
"And Galvão escaped being satiated today with this cry of him" Taffareeel ! & # 39; Nobody remembers this cry anymore, it was wonderful! he said, dramatically increasing the tone of his voice when speaking the name of the archer, who may have caught a few spectators by surprise.
Check the moment below and also see some of the reactions of users:
What is it, Bonner ???? pic.twitter.com/HsYiTjVL0Z
– Flemish, far more than a religion club !!! (@PatCaricchio) June 30, 2018
The Bonner shouting Taffarel in the national newspaper was the funniest thing I saw this year
Willian Bonner speaking "vai q é tua Taffarel" (live) June 30, 2018
It's Brazil that I want for the future
– angel again (@anna_nbb) June 30, 2018
It was good here, I remembered that Bonner was shouting Taffarel live and I can not stop laughing
– thyaly (@thyalyd) June 30, 2018
MY GOD OF SKY Bonner imitating Galvão shouting Taffarel is the real badtou! #JointNational #SemCopaEu #SecondSol
– N. Granda (@natygranda) June 30, 2018
– Ivis. (@a_iviss) June 30, 2018
If I am in this life, I will see William Bonner imitate galvao, shouting Taffarel in the national newspaper.
– carol hentges (@carolhentgess) 30 June 2018
damn I lived to see Bonner imitating the cry of Taffarel Galvão in the national newspaper HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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