Loggers invade the indigenous Arara land, southwest of the Palestinian Authority, says Funai | Para


A team from the Indian Foundation Regional Coordination, with the support of the Federal Highway Police (PRF), reported on Thursday (3) that a flood of children on the indigenous land of Arara, between Uruará and

According to FUNAI, a group of loggers have invaded the area since 30 December to illegally harvest timber and occupy the land with a lot demarcation.

Funai does not confirm the possibility of a confrontation between the indigenous people of Laranjal village and the invaders, but monitors the case.

The inhabitants of the region fear conflicts because there is tension between the indigenous people to protest on the BR-230 Transamazônica road because of the invasion.

  Excerpt from the BR-230, south-west of Pará. Photo: Reproduction / PRF   Extract BR-230, in the south-west of Pará - photo:. Reading / PRF "Highway BR-230, south-west of Pará - Photo: Reproduction / PRF" data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/PUVCBelGv4sgq0Ozd0zenDho_Qo=/0x10:1032x774/984x0/smart/filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a/internal_photos/bs/2018/y/P/vBFTMoQs00MssWO8TVQ/whatsapp-image 2018-07-04-04.15 - 15: 55.15.] Excerpt from the highway BR-230, south-west of Pará Photo: Reproduction / PRF </p>
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The Arara TI covers the municipalities of Altamira, New Brazil, Medicilândia and Uruará. , the area covers 274,010 hectares and its limits were approved by Decree No. 399 of 24 December 1991.

Cases of invasion of indigenous lands

  The sawmill was embargoed by Ibama for a Illegal logging and seized wood was sent to Medicilândia town - Photo: Divulgação / Ibama   Sawmill was strangled by IBAMA for illegal activities and the seized wood was sent to the Medicilândia prefecture. - Photo: Divulgação / Ibama

The sawmill was embargoed by Ibama for illegal logging and the seized timber was sent to the city of Medicilândia. – Photo: Press Release / Ibama

In 2017, an operation From the Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the Federal Police and Funai investigated reports of information from an invasion in Arara TI and resulted in the lock of a sawmill and the seizure of about 150 cubic meters of wood in the municipalities of Uruará and Medicilândia.

According to Ibama, prosecutors identified an attempted occupation on the shores of the transamazone highway, the BR-230, between the 120 and 143 km. The suspects left before the scene. arrival of the agents but left several stakes. in order to stand out

In 2018, a group of Parakanã Indians came to block the BR-230 highway, accusing the removal of the invaders from the lands of Apyterewa to Altamira. They denounced the fact that these areas were the target of environmental crimes.

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