Macron assesses the state of emergency in France after protests | World


French President Emmanuel Macron visited the Arc de Triomphe on Sunday (2) after one of France's most revered monuments was vandalized by protesters. It badesses the possibility of declaring the state of emergency after the worst period of riots in recent years.

On Saturday 1st, a conflict demonstration with the police on Avenue des Champs-Élysées ended with 287 detainees and 110 wounded, according to the newspaper Le Monde.

Macron crisis meeting in France this Sunday (2) Macron crisis meeting in France this Sunday (2) [/19659005] Masked bands and dressed in black traveled Saturday downtown Paris, shooting on dozens of cars and buildings, ransacking shops, breaking windows and facing police in the worst conflict in the capital since 1968, posing the biggest challenge Macron [Photo: Geoffroy Van Der Hbadelt / AFP] title = "Protesters set up a barricade on & # 39; Champs Elysees avenue in Paris in Paris on Saturday (1) – Photo: Geoffrey Van Der Hbadelt / AFP "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFB QUFBQUQFQFDQFDQDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFDQFMQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEBQYHAv / EABcBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECBAP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAen2CXSKjRqBXGtOMVLgrrDgU // EACIQAAECBQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQCBQABAwYTBxQVIjIzNP / aAAgBAQABBQJq1GILmxvBcgnG7l7blCoGThpWy6KEbK6u2anBviF9Bnvj / 8QAGREAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBAxEh / 9oACAEDAQE / AaUWxsacJXohJ EABoRAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQMRIWH // / + 2gAIAQIBAT8BuaxMOu EMSQf / 8QAKhAAAQMCBAILAAAAAAAAAAAAAQACAwQREhMhMXKRECQyMzRBUYGCobH / 2gAIAQEABj8Cyur4hu54I09Vhir6cxguJdUB0h1JPaB k6BhGIi2dseS8RJzKmaWRiSMEF99beVlUUD4o5BI64OzgcKJcG + + + // y7sKTgXzZ KXiPR xAAjEAABAwMCBwAAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhEFHwMWFBcYGRocHR / 9oACAEBAAE / IY6M7hI8q1k 89ROhZxIAJO0ox3gGlMnwemTmS2MhGRlGAFgW4qdB7ZHVYR + + rxHtYGxZ69P / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAENy // P / EABcRAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAETH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QGYkQjbq7v // EABsRAAMAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESExQVHR / 9oACAECAQE / EIBcdpb5sY1hHM0P / 8QAIRABAQACAAUFAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAIRAxQVHwYXGBkfH / 2gAIAQEAAT8Qqu / xSEAwUURq9YVftomAOCAArR3uYhM4b9EVhLCAqz14RKT0IuaDkQ + xHKgzJ2 protesters barricaded on & # 39; Champs Elysees in Paris on Saturday (1) – Photo: Geoffrey Van Der Hbadelt / AFP "titl e = "The demonstrators barricade themselves on the Avenue des Champs -Elyisées, Paris, this Saturday (1st) – Photo: Geoffroy Van Der Hbadelt / AFP" data-src = " / otsiRkLUQvNSt2NdcpSI6dHgJwk = / 0x0: 4631×3087 / 1008×0 / smart / filters: strip_ic (19659008) Protesters set up a barricade on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris. AFP

Macron and key ministers are scheduled to meet later this Sunday to consider opening an emergency to prevent reoccurrence. The government should open the dialogue but will not change its position, Benjamin Griveaux's spokesman told Reuters.

A popular uprising against increases in the fuel tax and high cost of living suddenly appeared on November 17 and quickly spread via social networks. Protesters blocked roads around France and prevented access to shopping malls, factories and some fuel depots.

  Graffiti on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris say: <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Graffiti at the Arc de Triomphe, Paris , says "The triumph of yellow jackets" – Photo: Stephane Mahe / Reuters "data-src =" "Stéphane Mahe / Reuters" title = "Graffiti at & Arc de Triomphe in Paris declare that "the yellow jackets triumph" He is further in charge of: 19659008] A graffiti of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris announces that "the yellow vests will triumph" – Photo: Stephan and Mahe / Reuters

On his return from the G20 summit in Argentina, Macron immediately went to the Arc de Triomphe, a nineteenth-century monument to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and to nearby avenues where cars were burnt and looted. .

TV footage shows inside the looted Arc, a statue of Marianne, symbol of the French Republic, destroyed, and graffiti on the outside of the monument, ranging from anti-slogans capitalism to Macro's social demands and resignation requests.

Demonstration on the Champs-Elysees

Demonstrations across the country gathered 36,000 people this Saturday (1), according to estimates by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. Some 5500 demonstrators wearing fluorescent yellow "vests" (yellow vests) went to the Champs-Élysées.

A group of hooded and masked protesters tried to force the blockade mounted by security forces to carry out checks and identity cards. The bins were knocked down and burned.

The shock troops fought back with tear gas and water cannons. The Arc de Triomphe was filled with a cloud of smoke. Demonstrators destroy cars during a demonstration in Paris Saturday (Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP) "Demonstrators destroy cars during a demonstration in Paris this Saturday (Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP" src = "data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAPABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFwABAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgUEB EABcBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgP // / // 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAeeXgLFG2kVVaT xAAdEAACAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBQAEAgEGExQV / 9oACAEBAAEFAl98hBOwF25ouaBJQ7bGGws0sHTQF9GsHwT0sJ // xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ / 9oACAEDAQE / AT // xAAXEQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIR / 9oACAECAQE / AZRiP // EACYQAAEDAgUDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEERITISJRQYHwMTIzcaP / 2gAIAQEABj8CiDWf4xug + yozJNn1BZtwZbiZ / dZrYnGfcX9Co4w9oC8W58AVFTnWshO1ovtbxx4EHEDQ9F7VA huWczabxKxBTndVCKuzk1A RobBosgOEkF3OpEfTJ7VKOxBDpFENzJvkGMOUCcDoeh4H // 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEGCP / 8QAFxEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAhMf / aAAgBAwEBPxBV7aX / xAAZEQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhMUH / 2gAIAQIBAT8Qsc5wTD // xAAdEAEBAQACAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMUHwYcHx / 9oACAEBAAE / ENNxUKUdAkJUvZhOM79VpKhmLRA1BAyhOvA9t4TMytYT1 / 65SigyMusqYo9Zx9zplnFcMzPCGicdRaKXCeRE7e34Oen85 // Z "/> <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Protesters destroyed cars during a demonstration in Paris on Saturday (1) – Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP "title =" Protesters destroy cars during a protest in Paris this Saturday (Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP "data-src ="×2056/984×0 / / /

Protesters destroy cars during a demonstration in Paris / / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. , this Saturday (1st) – Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP

The movement which has for symbol the "vest" -amarelo ", obligatory element for the French vehicles, began on November 17. It enjoys the support of two French in three and a petition "for a reduction in the price of fuel" which exceeded one million signatures.

The first day of the event mobilized 282 000 people and the second about 106 000 people, of which 8 000 in Paris.

Confused, the government is unable to dialogue with representatives of the movement born in social networks, disengaged from any political or trade union command.

The announcements made this week by President Emmanuel Macron – a device allowing to limit the impact of fuel taxes, as well as a "grand dialogue" – have not been convinced, according to France Presse.

  Firefighters are trying to extinguish the flames from one v oiture after a demonstration in Paris - Photo: REUTERS / Stephane Mahe "title =" Firefighters try to extinguish the flames of a car after a demonstration in Paris - Photo: REUTERS / Stephane Mahe "src =" data : image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEBgcIBf / EABQBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAb / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAY / BNP1GJXZ7b9RDAzc1cgUVQlIMB3 xAAgEAAABQQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQEGFDESEyI0 // / // 9oACAEBAAEFAoO1iu207bWAqq3oQcQyjXUYjeGIsu48m7Ab5JTddj xAAaEQADAQADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMCBBIy / 9oACAEDAQE / AaSjfPVFM5TOX4Gf / 8QAHREAAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQACAwQFECIxM // aAAgBAgEBPwGvYsRzcuimuJCx / PR / xAAjEAACAgECBgMAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRAAQiECAhJDIzYYGR / 9oACAEBAAY / AhNJFdjHCMAl3RHUZ5X9cNMJNZDJHEpFM4xu6RpW3FYWsD4vH33ntH5icn // xAAgEAEAAgEEAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABABExEEFxgSFRYdHw / 9oACAEBA AE / IcY4lkPfhF4PiIlHvJwY RAOFo1tfcW1pB5 + + w + + w MEoCmKcN tBl4Zm0 + / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABAwmF7 / xAAdEQACAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASExEUFhcaHw / 9oACAEDAQE / EIYRlpp9Pnz1MPUbWWFmf EABoRAAIDA QEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABETFRcfH // / + 2gAIAQIBAT8QcXPCHWrm Cg7LOio / 8QAIRABAQACAQMFAQAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBYbEQUXGh4fD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QO0CF4nR4kt37mL4Oxj3BDXZvHTTLgOI6Ugb3 cn8MA5V0mA3ROanJjfIWbAFJzN2ZZwVmAA0rtl5Dz + / Bn9Ltn2 / T / 9k = "/> [19659029] Firefighters are trying to remove Cars trapped after a demonstration in Paris - Photo: REUTERS / Stephane Mahe" title = " Firefighters try to extinguish the flames of a car after a demonstration in Paris - Photo: REUTERS / Stephane Mahe "data-src =" </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Firefighters are trying to extinguish the flames of a car after a demonstration in Paris – Photo: REUTERS / Stephane Mahe

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