Mariana Goldfarb dons a bikini and admits: "I have stretch marks, cellulite and narrowed belly"


Positive Body Occupies the Famous

In addition to Mariana, other women have taken their true face: Demi Lovato, for example, stated that she is well resolved with her curves. "Stretch marks and fat … and I still love it." Cellulite and I still love each other, no space between my thighs for me, and I still love it. The point is: I have cellulite, just like 93% of women. you see on Instagram is not always what it seems to be, like our true self, "said the singer. Luísa Sonza also exposed the body without retouching the image. "We do not have to be perfect," said the composer. Presenter Monica Iozzi said that she did not care about the marquinhas: "I do not want to become what I am not just because people are watching me, and feeding this inaccessible model creates sick women." And actress Bianca Bin has learned to handle the holes. "The world sees us as beautiful when we feel this way.Conformance should not come from the other, but from oneself.For me, to be beautiful is to accept, to honor one's body and to have trust in his intuition.If I am healthy, I can not be sad because my bad have a few holes – this does not deserve to be attributed to me.I will not say that I love but I accept and honor my cellulite.It's part of me! "

Patrícia Dias )

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