Marina Ruy Barbosa clarifies the rumor that Rafaela Mandelli would be "penetrated" in her group: "My guest"


In a recent microblogging post, Marina criticized a comparison between women: "I swear I will never understand why there are still people who insist on comparing one woman to another … In what year are -we?! Although the actress does not mention names, internet users have speculated that they had led Amália (Marina) and Catarina (Marquezine) to the hostility of the soap opera "God Save the King": "Understand once and for all that you can never feed the rivalries This is not healthy for anyone! "

The artist regrets the hate attack:" Agride ata "

The redhead was the target of a surfer on his Twitter last week. A hatred attributes Marina's success to the color of her skin: "Marina Ruy Barbosa is the personification of the person who is there only to be white, is by far one of the" actresses "with the One of the most privileged backgrounds in the history of Brazilian television. "The man again criticized the actress for having adopted the surname of her husband, Xandinho Negrão:" This seems so ridiculous that this white woman with no talent put 'Negron & # 39; in the surname because of her husband. "On his page, the artist lamented the comments:" You will understand the wickedness of people … "." It's about that, from people who plan the evil and do nothing for nothing … "he added in another post Alice Wegmann came out in defense of Marina on the microblog:" We do not understand why it is not much of our nature … Let's continue to plant well on this side! "

(For Tatiana Mariano )

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