Marina Ruy Barbosa is 23 years old: remember 23 special moments of the actress!


17. In a post on Instagram, a message drew the attention of the actress facing the story of a girl who suffered intimidation when she was a child as she is a redheaded and inspired by the posture of the actress. "I wanted to have a Marina Ruy Barbosa when I was little, I was suffering so much intimidation to be red and white that I told my mother that when I was tall I would be painting blond hair ! Marina, you are too beautiful. "The actress identified the report and called for a union of forces among all those who suffer from intimidation:" I also suffer "to be a redhead! But nowadays I think that we are safer. "

18. When he attacked DJ at a party

Showing one more facet, Marina attacked DJ at a party in Fortaleza, Ceará. The actress had already talked about her interest in trying different languages ​​and being known for her versatility: "I cry so we can be what we want, it's annoying that if you're an actress, you can not love fashion. If you are a painter, you can not write … It's so nice to have options, to be able to choose. "

20. As a star in advertising!

Everybody wants Marina! Faced with so many facets, Marina is competing with brands of different segments.Its success is so great, that in 2016 , the actress was the Brazilian celebrity who charged the most in advertising. Currently, among other works, she is one of the advertising girls of the Eudora cosmetics brand. "Overall, there are eight campaigns: car, hair products, national fashion, international fashion, shoes, glbades, makeup and jewelry, i would say that my actress work is very much related to advertising, but my job is d & # 39; to be an actress but I think it 's super cool and I do not think I should call myself an actress. "If you want to scroll, I can." If you want to draw a jewelry collection, I can, you know? "" The Globe. "

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