Marina Ruy Barbosa shows the details of the decoration of her birthday party – Who


  Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "height =" 450 "src =" Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) </label></div>
<p>  Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) [width:620"/>dansl&#39;after-mididusamedi(30)l&#39;actriceamontrélesdétailsdeladécorationdel&#39;événementencélébrationdeses23ansquisepbadecesoiràMorrodaUrcaRiodeJaneiroInquiètepourlasecousselarouquineapartagédesdossierssurInstagramannonçantsonarrivéedanslavillemerveilleuseetlespiedssurlapistededanseilluminéemontéesurplaceEnoutreellealaissésesdisciplesappétissantspourmontrerunarrangementnoirpleindebonbons[19659003] Marina Ruy Barbosa's dance floor (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) “height =” 1102 “src =” La piste de danse de Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) “width =” 0 “/> </ div> </ div>  <div clbad = (19659002) In the air like the Amália plebiscite in God Save the King, Marina decided to celebrate the new age in style <label clbad=

On the occasion, she will offer a garland for family and friends in one of the most beautiful postcards in Brazil. The event is organized by well-known promoter Carol Sampaio and her partner, Michel Diamant. The guests will be presented with a concert by Alok and the DJs Felipe Mar and Giordanna Forte will enliven the dance floor.

  Marina Ruy's Birthday Candies Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "height =" 1026 "src =" / f / original / 2018/06/30 / Anniversaries of Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) </label></div>
<p>  Very dear [photo: Anniversaries of Marina Ruy Barbosa] [width = 620] /> <label clbad= (19459008) and its husband, Xande Negrão who was in the house of Luciano Huck and Angelica she went to see the match of Brazil against Serbia in the host of presenters and ended up winning a surprise cake. Enchanted, the actress sang congratulations alongside home owners and other friends, such as Carolina Dieckmann and Bruno Gaglibado . Then she and her husband went to dinner at the Belmond Copacabana Palace next to Ricardo Pereira and Hugo Gloss . )

  Marina Ruy Barbosa's Birthday View (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "height =" 1018 "src =" og / ed / Anniversary of Marina Ruy Barbosa (19459003) View of the birthday of Marina Ruy Barbosa (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "width =" 620 "/> <label clbad= View of Marina's birthday Ruy Barbosa Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Birthplace of Marina Ruy Barbosa's birthday (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)