Elections are coming and even Google is preparing to face the demand for research that will be conducted so that Brazilians can better know their candidates. But even if close to the first round of the trial, we still see a very big problem whose tendency is unfortunately to worsen: the false news.
No wonder TSE and the federal police set up a task force to fight them until October. , and even the Minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication, Gilberto Kbadab, was in favor of fighting them for a fairer trial. However, a poll sponsored by the InternetLab Institute showed that this year's top presidential candidates have an average of 37.4% of their twitter audience made up of robots.
The badysis was done by the Botometer Tool of Indiana University, USA. With the support of an artificial intelligence driven to detect behavior in social networks, the software badyzes various metrics and variables as models in tweets and times. The efficiency of the method is 90%, according to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo
Although Sure, the 37.4% number is only an average when we put all the pre-candidates in the same equation, but the total number of supporters of each of them is quite different: Marina Silva (Network), for example, has almost 2
Therefore, the 36% of robot supporters – according to the InternetLab – of the former senator represent a universe of nearly 700 000 follows she's on Twitter. To get an idea, in absolute numbers, the one that comes after that is Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), whose share of bots that follows is incredible 46%, but that means a total of 456 Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), whose badysis of the institute indicates a share of 34% of robots among his followers on the same platform, totaling a little over 400,000 scripts disguised as
Check the following figures:
- Marina Silva (Network) – 689,112 (36%)
- Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) – 456,658 (46%)
- Jair Bolsonaro (PSL ) – 403 874 (34%)
- Álvaro Dias (We can) – 261,588 (64%)
- Lula (PT) – 74,119 (22%)
- Ciro Gomes & Avila (PCdoB) – 45,162 (22%)
- João Amoêdo (New) – 14,560 (21%)
- Rodrigo Maia (DEM) – 12,612 (30%)
- Henrique Meirelles (MDB) – 11,687 (24%)
- Guilherm The numbers were obtained by InternetLab on June 4, 201 8, and as it is possible to observe them, the candidates [1] and [2] [3] with the lowest absolute number of false among his followers were obtained by Henrique Meirelles (MDB), Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) and Flávio Rocha (PRB)
Speaking as a percentage, of legitimate accounts who follow them are Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) with 86%, João Amoêdo (Novo) with 79%, and Manuela D & # 39; Ávila (PCdoB) with 78%.
Despite the number of accounts
For him, it is reasonable that public figures likely to play an important role have a certain proportion of bots in their networks, since they tend to prefer the most opponents in their subjects of destination
The only anomaly detected was in the case of Senator Álvaro Dias (Podemos), whose percentage is the highest among the presidential candidates, 64%.
The study underlines the artificial growth of its followers, and it has favored the isolation of 20 groups of accounts in a certain period of time that began to follow it. From this it was observed that nine of these groups included at least 80% of bots. Two of them have come to focus more than 95% of the false adherents.
Through his advice, the senator informs that his team ignores the presence of robots in their networks and takes care to identify them.
And you, what do you think of the numbers revealed by the study? Does your candidate appear on the list? Tell us in the comments!
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