Mayor found dead in the garage of the Nicolau Vergueiro town hall – Cities


A 44-year-old politician will be cremated this Sunday at Pbado Fundo

The 44-year-old politician will be cremated this Sunday at Pbado Fundo

The body of the mayor of Nicolau Vergueiro, 44-year-old Evandro Carlos Diehl, will be cremated this Sunday at Pbado Fundo. The politician from the northern region was found dead in the town hall garage on Saturday morning. The initial suspicion is that he's kidnapped life, but the investigation is underway at the Marau City Civil Police.

Delegate Norberto Rodrigues said that an official of the municipality found the body. Instead are cars and municipal government machines parked. According to the police, there was no sign of violence at the scene of death.

The municipal administration decreed the official mourning for three days. Activities in the municipal offices of the municipality were suspended Monday. The body is veiled in the municipal council of Nicolau Vergueiro. Deputy Mayor Geraldo Antônio Muniz badumes the executive branch.

Diehl was originally from Marau and in 1977 he was elected councilor. In 1997, he was re-elected, being the most voted adviser in 2001 and 2005. From 2016, he was elected mayor with 57.51% of valid votes. He leaves his wife Rosicler Picolli Diehl and his daughter Júlia Picolli Diehl.

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