Eighty-five percent of the more than 150 delegates attending the 8th National Meeting of Medical Entities voted in favor of a mandatory national medical proficiency exam – a kind of examination of the Order, applied to lawyers [19659002] Currently, some regional councils administer tests, but participation is not mandatory and the doctor can get the registration even if it is disapproved.
Bill 165/2017, which deals with a national and compulsory examination, concerns
In March, the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) had already defined that it would act in favor of the establishment of a law for the institution of the examination of graduates of the medical course.
Graduates who did not pbad the test could not be registered and would be prevented from practicing medicine.
"We understand that the mandatory national examination of medical competence is urgent and necessary to protect patients from the participation of physicians without quality training," said the president of the
In addition to the AMB, the 8th National Meeting of the National Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AMB), Lincoln Ferreira, by means of a note
"Medical schools must be evaluated and students too Medical Entities brings together delegates from the Federal Medical Council of the National Federation of Physicians and the Brazilian Medical Federation (BKF)
The event, which took place in Brasilia, addressed topics such as medical education, labor market, and health care in Brazil
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