Military and Civilians Receive the Order of Merit Emperor Dom Pedro II – Agencia Brasilia


The highest honor of the Federal District Fire Department was awarded to more than 360 people on Monday night (2). Military and civilians received the order of the Emperor Dom Pedro II in the yard of the Military Fire Academy, in the area of ​​southern police.

  The highest honor of the Federal District Fire Department was awarded to over 360 people on Monday night (2). Military and civilians received the Order of Merit Emperor Dom Pedro II in the courtyard of the Military Fire Academy in the Southern Police Sector.
The highest distinction of the Federal District Fire Department was awarded to more than 360 people. (2). Military and civilians were ordered by Emperor Dom Pedro II in the courtyard of the Military Academy of Fire, in the area of ​​the Southern Police Photo: Pedro Ventura / Brasília Agency

In the decoration: soldiers of different security forces, representatives of local and federal governments and citizens who rendered relevant services to the society – there was a military parade and presentation of the host band.

The Emperor Dom Pedro II was created in 2003 by Decree 24,275. It is granted:

  • to Federal District Fire Fighters who have rendered notable service to the corporation, the DF or the Countries or distinguished themselves in the exercise of their profession
  • to military members of the armed forces and auxiliaries (such as Civil and Military) that, for services rendered, have become creditors of the Brigade's homage military firefighters of the Federal District
  • to citizens, Brazilian or foreign, who rendered relevant services to the corporation
  • to national and foreign military corporations;

The Honorary President of the Order of Merit, the governor of Brasília, Rodrigo Rollemberg, presented medals accompanied by the Commander in Chief of Fire, Colonel Luiz Claudio Barbosa Castro.

Rollemberg congratulated the honorees, members of the corporation – old and new – and said the city admires and acknowledges the firefighters' performance. Among the important services provided, the governor mentioned the fight against dengue, in partnership with the Secretariat of Health.

For the Commander-in-Chief, it is the most important and special date of the Fire Department. "The result of the work is in the daily success, in every life saved, in all the fires fought and prevented", summarizes the colonel Luiz Claudio

Approved in 2017 taken possession

Also this Monday, 357 soldiers of the Corps DF firefighters took possession. The new servers are in the second clbad approved in the 2017 competition.

Operational soldiers must work in areas such as search and rescue and firefighting, and soldiers who will be driving vehicles

] Bomberos was founded in Brazil in 1856

The company is celebrating today (2) 162 years of existence in Brazil – including 54 in the Federal District.

It was founded on July 2, 1856 by the Emperor Dom Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro, with the name of Provisional Fire Department of the Court . The creation has centralized the functions of existing firefighters in other forces.

See also

  On Monday (2), 357 firefighters from the Federal District Fire Department took possession. The governor of Brasília, Rodrigo Rollemberg, participated in the solemnity that took place this second (2), the same day the corporation completed 162 years.

More than 357 military firefighters take office

In 1889, after the Proclamation of the Republic the institution was renamed Fire Department of the Federal District . Later, with the 1988 Constitution, he became Federal Fire Brigade .

On July 2, 1964, two officers came from Rio to Brasilia, who coordinated the arrival to the Central Plateau. . Therefore, on the same date, the inauguration in the current Brazilian capital is celebrated.

Photo Gallery

  Military and Civilians are Decorated with the Order of Merit Emperor Dom Pedro II

  Military and Civilians are Decorated with the Order of the Emperor Dom Pedro II

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