It is in recent weeks that the Chinese Xiaomi introduced the beta MIUI 10 Global. MIUI 10 Global Beta is already available on some smartphones image "width = MIUI 10 Global Beta
If meanwhile, they own a Xiaomi device and are already wondering, when or where they will receive the update , do not despair, Xiaomi had the delicacy of presenting the calendar with the plan for unfolding updates . According to information published by the brand's official forum, the public version of the beta version of MIUI 10 Global will be available for compatible models in three phases [196459012]
The first phase of the deployment is already scheduled in July this year, then get the list of the first equipment to receive the MIUI 10 Global
Already the second phase of the update, should take place end of July, in addition to the following material:
- Xiaomi Mi 3 / Mi 4
- Xiaomi Redmi 4A
- Xiaomi Redmi 4X
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Qualcomm
Would you like to know:
In order to be more clear about what s & # 39; wait with MIUI 10 Global, stay here hangelog.
Changelog of MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 8.6.28:
Correction – Menu Settings Parameters (All Devices) (06-26)
] Correction – The content of Cleaner was not translated by Correction – The phone goes into recovery mode when loading (all devices) (06 -26)
Russian in the file manager (06-26)
Similarly, proceed to the referenced installation process n the site of Miui
Installation MIUI 10 Global
Then install the next public beta ROM of MIUI 10 Global you will need to & an unlock manager on your device If you use the MIUI 9 Global Beta ROM version, simply go to the "Updater" and check for updates.
Please note that this scenario is quite unusual, as many of these devices have stable versions of MIUI 9 users are therefore less likely to stay in an older beta version.
If you use stable ROM for MIUI 7 MIUI 8 or MIUI 9 ; they will then move to MIUI 10 using the method fastboot with My Flash . Xiaomi has provided detailed instructions that are generally applicable to all equipment, although it is good to consult the MIUI forums to check the specific nuances of your equipment.
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