Moacyr Franco sees a good side having suffered a stroke: "It was wonderful"


Moacyr Franco took advantage of his trip to Conversation with Bial exhibited on Thursday 28, to recall several moments of his career as an actor, singer, comedian and presenter

  Moacyr Franco

Moacyr Franco

At one point, however, he gave an unexpected answer when Pedro Bial asked him questions about his health: "Did the blow you suffered in 77 leave a sequel, affected his memory ? "

" No, it was wonderful for me, "replied Moacyr seriously, despite the laughter in the audience and the presenter

He then explained his thinking: I had so little time … When I got here, I was so successful, so fast and with so much commitment, here at home, [que] I did not have time learn to smoke, drink, drink, have no addiction. "

" Then later, already stabilized, I started smoking, I hated whiskey, but I drank it, j & rsquo; Was going to have aneurism. "

Moacyr also said that at the time the doctor had told him that his chances of survival were (f, b, e, v , n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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