Judge Sergio Moro ruled that the former Minister of Civil Affairs, José Dirceu, would travel from Brasília to Curitiba to put an electronic ankle again.
In the order, Moro declares that with the suspension of the provisional execution of the sentence, which had been determined by the Regional Regional Court of the 4th Region after the authorization of the execution of the sentence in the second instance, the jurisdiction of the original court is resumed, that it claims to be the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba. With this, the measures imposed by the 2nd clbad of the STF in May 2017, when the majority of the collegiate voted for the application of alternatives to replace the prison, which was in the preemptive era , from Jose Dirceu.
Precautions include the use of electronic bracelet to monitor, prohibition to leave the home town and to communicate with any other accused or witness in the same criminal acts as the defendant with the exception of his brother, the participation to all acts of the process and attention to the telephone badignments
"Sentenced José Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva to high penalties, caution is recommended electronic surveillance to protect the enforcement of criminal law", a declared Serious. I live in your office. "Thus, convicts should appear before this judgment until 3/7/2018 to place the electronic ankle brace, and other prohibitions will be reinstated," he concluded.
Dirceu's lawyer Roberto Podval stated that he is studying the appropriate measures, but he did not want to comment on the Moro's order.
In the opinion of the lawyer Leonardo Yarochewsky the judge's decision goes beyond the understanding of the Federal Supreme Court. "A judge on the ground is confronted with decisions of the Supreme Court, and he acted on other occasions when he acted and mowed the hearings of the President of the Republic and that he must to be punished by the competent organs of the Federal Supreme Court. "
Jose Dirceu is convicted of crimes of pbadive bribery, money laundering and criminal organization, with sentences of 27 years in prison. The former minister was detained for two years in pre-trial detention and was released in 2017. In May 2018, following the STF's decision on the possibility of early execution of the sentence, he has to again been arrested. The applicant's defense alleges that the execution of the sentence after a decision of the second instance does not respect the principle of the presumption of innocence.
Click here to read Serio Moro's order. e, v, n, t, s)
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