Mother Stella arrives in Opono Afonjá after court decision – Jornal CORREIO


The body begins to be veiled in Nazareth, where she lives with her partner, but is taken to Salvador to undergo candomblé rituals.

"We must now thank Xangô Afonjá for the victory granted to the restitution of our mother's body at home, where all the religious obligations incumbent on the present body will be fulfilled." With these words, the president of the Society of the Holy Cross of Afonjá, ogan Ribamar Daniel, welcomed the arrival of the body of Mother Stella of Oxóssi at the headquarters of Ilê Ax Opô Afonjá. Mother Stella died on Thursday 27 (at the age of 93).

The body of Stella's mother of Oxóssi arrived in Salvador late this afternoon (28), when she was taken away to perform embalming, followed by the

L & # 39; Burial will take place Saturday (29) at 10am, at Jardim da Saudade. Then, the rites of axexê will be carried out so that the spirit of the ialorixá is led to the Orum (equivalent of the spiritual world).

According to Ribamar Daniel, the rites of pbadage will be realized during a week. After this period, the terreiro will suspend religious activities for one year and the celebration of the other ceremonies in honor of the mother Stella will be carried out by the mother of the house, the mother Ditinha, who takes the acting . On December 27, 2019, a divination game will take place with the thanks of Xango for the successor of Mother Stella.

The wake of the ialorixá was accompanied by several priests and priestesses of the most varied houses of Santo de Bahia. Mother Mariah from Kecy, for example, came from St. Felix to pay homage to the priesthood mate. "The loss of this case is always to regret, but we do not believe in death as an end.It is received in the Orum and his physical body will be able to rest, because the obligations of candomblé are numerous and heavy ", he said

The decision of the Court to transfer the body of the ialorixá was executed around 13 hours. A justice official handed the decision to Nazareth City Council, where his body was veiled. After that, the holy sons and the members of the court, Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá, walked the streets of the city taking the body of Mother Stella towards the car of a funeral home. Everything happened in the presence of heavily armed military police men.

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