Data was collected by municipalities last month and presented on Thursday (28).

Data from the entomological survey are collected by endemic agents in the residences, which check mosquito foci on the spot. After this field work, the municipal secretariats of health feed the Liraa-LIA information system of the Ministry of Health and send the balance sheets to Sesapi
The system informs that nine municipalities do not have or n & nbsp; Have not informed the system of entomological research data. "These data are used to take more effective measures in the most-at-risk areas, we need this data to guide our work, and if a municipality does not inform it, it ends up harming its population," he said. warns Antônio Manoel, supervisor of health surveillance
Gurguéia, Belém do Piauí, Betânia do Piauí, Good Principle of Piauí, Buriti of the Montes, Caldeirão Great do Piauí, Campinas do Piauí, Charity of Piauí, Demerval Lobão, Francisco Macedo, Francisco Santos, Gilbués, Júlio Borges, Jurema, Brandão Milton, Pio IX, Santana do Piauí and Simões