"When I arrived at school, I asked permission to enter the clbadroom, and then my clbadmates started to make fun of me, they m & # 39, said I looked shocked. " The explosion is the student Izabella Fernandes, 8, who had her hair cut and smoothed by her father's girlfriend. The case came to the head after his mother created a social networking post.
"She went to her father's house, with her hair washed and combed, so that no one had the hard work of touching her hair to make her hair. I received a phone call from dad telling me that his wife was cutting Bella's hair without my permission and that it was just the tip … Hi? Pontinhas? She cut her hair over half and smoothed and when she will wet her hair will shrink even more.I still had to listen: "hair grow," said her mother.
The mother's post had pictures before and after the procedure , showing the difference between the girl's attitude when she had curls and the sadness after they were smoothed.Ferranda's message has turned into social networks and has had more than 325 thousand tanned and 101 thousand shares.
Mother proudly shows pictures of her daughter , while Izabella is amazed by the number of tanned women that she has received (Photo: Zana Ferreira / G1)
the episode, Izabella spoke to G1 Tuesday (3) and was calm. "When I arrived at school, my clbadmates mocked me and I caught my belongings and I sat in front of them, because it's still like that, when I come with different hair to school everyone starts to bad me. Even before, it happened and I spoke to stop it, because I know I'm not ugly, "says Izabella.
The little girl has received the support of celebrities such as singer Karol Conka, presenter Astrid Fontenelle and actress Erika Januza, who wrote: "Your beautiful hair will grow, become stronger than". before and you will be even stronger! Have you ever heard of the little story that has to prune the tree so that it becomes even stronger and more beautiful? Then just wait! Take care of it, be You are beautiful from every point of view. "
Monday, the day after the court, Fernanda did not let her daughter enter social networks because the girl was still very shaken. "The other day, I realized that her self-esteem was low, she did not want to go to school, but I kept working on her self-esteem, saying that". she was beautiful, that she could use her hair as she wanted it. For the moment, the most important thing for me is to feel comfortable, "he explained.
The maternal grandmother, Eliane Carvalho, was the great ally to convince the young girl to go to school. "I spoke to him, I said that his hair will grow, but it will be long. She was crying and I told her to be calm, that when she was at school her clbadmates might be surprised, but then she would pbad, "he said.
As early as the age of four, Izabella poses for the lenses of the mother, who runs a profile on social networks with 164,000 subscribers where the girl is described as "Pretinha do Poder". According to the mother, the issue of empowerment through curly hair arose spontaneously through reactions to every picture of the girl.
Stunned by the impact of the change, the girl says that she does not want them to quarrel with her father and wants the clusters to come back. Fernanda has already decided to leave the episode and does not want to take any further action. "He has always been a good father, he loves her very much and she loves him very much.He had already suggested that we were looking for a psychologist since we separated five months ago and that 's a good thing. it would be important for her to take care of it Now he has spoken again, he has apologized, he is sorry, he has not stopped the situation I do not want a fight I do not want it to happen again. " G1 tried to talk to the girl's father, but our calls were not answered.
Already the other desire of Izabella to resume loops is also directed. The mother says that a hairdresser sympathized with the situation and offered her support to the girl. "He saw it at the church on Sunday and then saw my message, he told us to go to his living room, hit the cup and make a hydration. he explains.
Faced with the possibility of recovering powerful hair, Izabella is already happy and makes new faces and mouths in front of the mobile phone. The smile becomes even bigger with each notification received. "I really like it when my fans give me a lot of heart [likes] .My mother and I were very happy and when they make comments, it's even better," he confesses. [19659018]
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