Mysterious celestial body Ultima Thule defies the brain of scientists (PHOTOS)


After observing the new images of the MU69 2014, located in the Kuiper belt, scientists at the Johns Hopkins laboratory in Baltimore, Maryland, came to the conclusion that their "lobes" were flat, as they Had said last Friday (8) on their website.

Representation of the MU69 celestial body, also known as Ultima Thule

"The largest lobe, called" Ultima ", looks more like a giant pancake and the smaller lobe," Thule " , has a crushed walnut shape, "details the new publication, which adds even more mystery around this ancient space object, since other similar objects – comets, for example – are generally round.

"It would be more accurate to say that its shape is flatter, like a pancake", Alan Stern, chief of the New Horizons space mission, studies the MU69 2014

According to him, the new images create scientific riddles on how an object of this nature could be formed, noting that "we have never seen such a thing turn around the Sun "

Scientists, who believe that the MU69 is frozen since the origin of the solar system, about 4 billion years ago, are confident that New Horizons provides new images and that they will continue to discover strange things that they have never seen before.

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