Natal finished 419 years old this Tuesday (25); know the story | Rio Grande do Norte


The day the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the capital celebrates its birthday. That's why he was christened Christmas. On this Tuesday, December 25, the city completes 419 years of history.

The capital of Rio Grande do Norte was born from the Spanish desire to expel the French from the Brazilian coast at the time of the Union of Iberian wreaths (1580-1640). The King of Spain, Philip II, ordered the construction of a fortress to protect the Barra do Rio Grande – as it was then called the territory – and the foundation of a city in a league from the fortification.

Also tells the story that Spain wanted at all costs to drive the French, because France was an enemy nation of the Spanish kingdom. And at that time, Portugal was under the domination of Spain. The French were first expelled from Paraíba; then from Rio Grande.

  Fortaleza de Reis Magos, on the beach of Forte, is the cradle of the history of Natal - Photo: Canindé Soares   Fortress of the Magi, on the beach of the fort, is the cradle of 39 Christmas story - Photo: Canindé Soares

Fortaleza dos Reis Magos, on the beach of Fort, cradle of the history of Natal – Photo: Canindé Soares

On January 6, 1598 was inaugurated the fortress of Holy Kings (now called the Magi Fortress), whose name refers to the day of kings, when the Christmas cycle ends. Nearly two years later, a league from the building, the city was born, whose boundaries were delineated on December 25, 1599.

The relationship between the city and the Christmas cycle ends precisely on January 6, Dia of Reis, referring to the date on which the fortress was inaugurated. Even this day is a municipal holiday in Natal. Historians say that they took advantage of the Christmas Mbad celebrated on December 25 to found the city. But, there is no documentary evidence explaining why the date is chosen.

The historical archives do not allow us to know who founded the capital. Three names share the opinion of the scholars: Mascarenhas Man, Jerônimo de Albuquerque and João Rodrigues Colaço.

  Monument on the Christmas Road in honor of the three Magi - Photo: Canindé Soares   Monument on the Christmas Road in honor of the Three Kings - Photo: Caninde Soares "title =" Monument on the road of Christmas in tribute to the three mages - Photo: Canindé Soares "data-src =" </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Monument on the road of Christmas in tribute to the three sages – Photo: Canindé Soares

Natal summarized a few kilometers of extension. It started around the current Mother Square and ended in Santa Cruz da Bica Square, both located in the upper town. Two crosses were placed to mark the beginning and the end of the city. The first crosses have been lost. But always a symbolic cross is kept on the square of the Holy Cross of Bica.

In 1633, Natal is the target of the Dutch invasion of Brazil. And it receives temporarily the name of New Amsterdam, in reference to the Dutch capital. A report from that time indicates that there were about 30 homes in Natal, most of them covered with straw. Reason that prompted a Portuguese bishop to write the following statement: "Christmas does not exist such".

The English writer and traveler Herry Koster also had this opinion about the city. In 1817 he wrote in the book "Journey through Brazil". to the next question: – If they call it a city, what are the villages and cities?

To get an idea of ​​the small size and small size of the city in 1822, the year of Brazil's independence, Natal had about 700 inhabitants, according to the book's History. Brazil independence in RN, Câmara Câmara.

But "white gold" changes the expression of the city in the second half of the nineteenth century. Cotton increases the local economy and favors the development of Natal, mainly in the Ribeira district, on the banks of the Potengi River, where there was a small port.

  Old engraving of the time: the oldest map of the city drawn up in 1633 - Photo: Caroline Holder / G1   Engraving of time: the oldest map The oldest map of the city drawn in 1633 - Photo: Caroline Holder / G1

In the early twentieth century, between 1908 and 1913, the government of Alberto Maranhão ushered in a new era. in the capital of Potiguar, which historians call "Modernidade de Natal". Alberto Maranhão contracts a loan with France and begins to invest in the infrastructure of the city. Christmas begins to have public lighting, with gas lanterns, as well as trams pulled by animals; in addition to the completion of important constructions, such as that of the Alberto Maranhão Theater and the building that currently houses the Brazilian Bar in the State (OAB / RN), as well as the seat of the Court of Justice of the RN, where the State Historical Institute.

In 1912, the city has neighborhoods. The Tyrol and Petropolis were called the "new city". In addition to these, he still had rosemary and ribeira. At that time, urban planning was developed. Avenues currently honoring Brazilian presidents, such as Afonso Pena, Rodrigues Alves and Campos Sales, were planned during this period.

  American Christmas Base - Photo: Caroline Holder / G1   American Christmas Base - Photo: Caroline Holder / G1 "title =" American Base in Natal - Photo: Caroline Holder / G1 "data-src =" https : // 2592x1936 / 984x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / Another event that inaugurates a new phase in the capital is the entry of Brazil in the Second World War. </p>
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Another event that ushered in a new phase in the capital is the entry of Brazil in the Second World War., in 1942, alongside the United States Natal now has a US base that attracts investment and a population of 10,000 US soldiers – increasing the local population by 20% – a new chapter in the history of Natal is born.

According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Natal currently has 877,640 inhabitants. r an area of ​​172 square kilometers.

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