In the first minute of 2019, the Fortaleza New Year's Eve crowd at the Iracema Beach Landfill watched carefully as the fire broke out. The fireworks show lasted 17 minutes. People took the time to embrace family, friends, celebrate and celebrate the new year.
With the end of the show of colors and lights in the sky, the public continued to accompany the party with Leo Santana. Shortly after, it was Claudia Leitte's turn to go on stage. The event also featured presentations by Marília Mendonça; Italo and Renno; Banda Patrulha and drums União da Ilha.
Public offers at the arrival of 2019 in the dump. Praia de Iracema, in Fortaleza – Photo: Helena Santos / Diário do Nordeste
The singer Xand Avião was the sixth attraction to appear during the evening. With a lot of forró, the artist was the last to go through the scene before the beginning of the year 2019.
Before Xand, around 9:30 pm, the singer Alcione took the stage by bringing the scene. Samba's energy and the main successes of his career. .
Alcione occurs at the Iracema Beach burial site, in the town of Iracema, Brazil, at the end of the nineteenth century. (19659021) The highlight of the concert was the presentation of the song "Meu Ebano", which moved the public and closed the door around 22:30.
Alcione Delighted and Shaken the Discharge of Praia de Iracema, in the State of Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil, at the end of the nineteenth century. The MPB singer was the fourth party attraction of the Fortaleza tour, which also received the concerts of Waldonys, Tom. Drummond and Ednardo
New Year 2019 at the Iracema Beach Landfill Site in Fortaleza / Video: Natinho Rodrigues
Born in the United States, Cantor Ednardo is a American singer and songwriter. the second attraction of the night – Photo: Reproduction / Verdes Mares
The singer Ednardo was the second attraction of the New Year celebration in Praia de Iracema, Fortaleza. The musician opened the show with the song Alucination, also from Belchior of Ceará, and had great career successes.
The party at Aterro started around 17:20 this time. Also during the afternoon of Monday 31, the people were already placed in the Aterro de Praia de Iracema for the party marking the arrival of 2019. [AnaCláudiaSilva45ansarrivedat6pmtoensureagoodplaceintheeveningofNewAn-Foto:BárbaraCâmara"title="AnaCláudiaSilva45ansestarrivéeà6hdumatinpourgarantirunebonneplaceàlafêteduNouvelAnPhoto:BárbaraCâmara"src="data:image/jpeg;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éeà6hdumatinpours'badurerunebonneplaceàlasoiréeduréveillondunouvelanAnaCláudiaSilva45ansestarrivéeà6heuresdumatinpours'badurerunebonneplaceàlafêtedunouvelanIlyaunpeudechanceAnaCláudiaSilva45ansestarrivéeà6hdumatinpours'badurerunebonneplacedanslavilleAnáCláudiaSilvaâgéede45ansestarrivéeà6heuresdumatinpourinstallerunetenteetapbadélajournéeàtourderôleavecdesamisparticiperàlafête"IlresteencorebeaucoupdemondeamisdetoutleBrésilIlsvcomefromSãoPauloSalvadoretBelémdoParádesamisquinnsandyouwaveyouryourannoyinghourspourceshearinghours
The friends Francisca Nunes, Etileuza Araújo and Francisca Lúcia were preparing to move on.
The friends of Francisca Nunes, Etileuza Araújo and Francisca Lúcia arrived earlier than planned near the scene and came with isoporous drinks and food. spend the whole night. "We hope that this year's festival will be bigger and better than last year, let's go to dawn, and we look forward to the concerts of Marília Mendonça, Xand Avião and Léo Santana," they say. -they.
New Year's Eve in Fortaleza will have 12 hours of festivities. 1.2 million people The program starts at 5 pm The party will count 12 musical attractions and the 17-minute fireworks show
The singer Xand Avião will be in charge of counting
Discover the order of the presentations on the eve of the new year:
Tom Drummond
] Jorge Vercillo
Xand Airplane
Pyrotechnic Show
Leo Santana
Claudia Leitte
Marilyn Mendonça
Italo and Renno
Banda Patrulha
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