Nine candidates spoke on Saturday (2) during the Senate sitting preceding the election of the Speaker of the House.
Two of them, Alvaro Dias (Vice President) and Major Olímpio (PSL-SP), used the speeches to announce their resignation of the candidatures. Simone Tebet (MDB-MS), who had already spoken, also withdrew his candidacy after receiving a call from David Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), in favor of which he had announced his resignation.
The three men resigned their bid to try to prevent the election of Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL), who is trying to become Senate President for the fifth time.
As of Friday evening (1 st), when the session was adjourned, there were seven registered candidates. On Saturday (2), the chair of the session, Senator José Maranhão (MDB-PB), granted a deadline for the registration of new candidates.
Senator Daniella Ribeiro (PP-PB), leader of the PP, launched the candidacy of Esperidião Amin (PP-SC), the eighth registered. Simone Tebet (MDB-MS) submitted a stand-alone bid – the MDB headquarters named as party candidate Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL).
The vote after the speeches will be secret and the vote will be recorded on a paper ballot.
Reguffe (without party – DF)
The following Senators registered to stand for the presidency of the Senate (by order of registration):
- Fernando Collor
- Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA)
- Alvaro Dias (Can-PR)
- Major Olímpio (MDB-MS)
Fernando Collor (Pros-AL) – Collor defended the need to revise the federal pact, to carry out reforms and expand the partnership with private initiative. "Revise the federal pact is fundamental for states and municipalities to stop being humiliated and have the means to exercise their powers appropriately," he said. The former president also criticized what he calls "the criminalization of politics" and said that the Senate command needed an "experienced leader" to lead a "hard work". "We can not accept the criminalization of politics, nor be afraid to express our ideas, we must firmly defend the prerogatives of the legislature," he said.
Reguffe (no party-DF) – Reguffe defended spending cuts so that the Senate "costs less" for the taxpayer. Among the measures he proposes, he cites the end of additional salaries for parliamentarians, allowances and official cars. He also advocated reducing the number of Cabinet Ministers from 55 to 12 and ending retirement in the Senate. Reguffe said that he had already taken these steps in his office and had calculated that, if all Senators also adopted them, there would be a saving of more than a billion dollars. He baderted that, if elected, each senator would have the right to direct one project per year directly to the plenary. He also advocated for political reform and tax reform to reduce taxes.
Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) – Angelo Coronel said that he would not give up his independence, but that it did not mean opposition. He said the Senate's submission to the judiciary marked an important step: the Senate's authorization for the arrest of Senator Delcídio do Amaral, "while it was not a flagrant offense". According to him, "since then, the Senate has ceased to be independent." He defended the reforms with speed and equality among senators in the report on projects, "to conclude with a single rapporteur, as in the past". The colonel also proposed the creation of a college of leaders. Simone Tebet (MDB-MS) – Simone Tebet defended the execution of the decision of Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STF, following the secret ballot of the Senate election, but preached the need to amend the rules of procedure of the Senate, which proposed the election of the Speaker of the House by open vote. "The democratization of the regiment is urgent, it is not possible that there is a low threshold and high clergy, we are all couples," he said. The candidate declared herself in favor of greater transparency of the decisions of the House. She stressed the need to work to help the resumption of job creation and defended independence and autonomy between powers. "Autonomy, independence and harmony, only then will we advance," he said.
Alvaro Dias (Can-PR) – Alvaro Dias is introduced to speak as a candidate. But during his speech, he announced that he was resigning from his post so as not to split the votes and thus avoid contributing to the election of Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL). Addressing Renan, he said the company did not want his election. He also spoke of the MDB, which since the end of the dictatorship has lost only an election to the Senate command. "For decades, the Senate has been governed by the same political group, and alternation is a fundamental badumption in democracy," he said. "I am not a candidate, but I am more than ever enthusiastic to continue to exercise its independence in this House to defend what I believe," he said.
Major Olímpio (PSL-SP) – Like Alvaro Dias, Major Olímpio also took advantage of his speech to withdraw his candidacy. "Having fulfilled my mission and not being the uncompromising party, I am withdrawing my candidacy and I am perfectly aligned with all those who want the changes that our country needs, by doing all the things that are dear to you: the people "The monocratic decision of the president of the Supreme Court ruled that everything that happened yesterday, less the shame of the shows, circuses here, be zero.
Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP) – Alcolumbre pointed out that his candidacy was "a form of hope after cycles of political and economic crisis". "For the independence of powers and parliamentary autonomy, we no longer need the same thing," he said. The candidate said Brazil had "huge challenges", including the need to balance public accounts and restore public confidence in politics and politicians. He is committed to "broadening the transparency" of the "acts" and "facts" of the Senate. At the end of the speech, he asked Simone Tebet to "make a gesture". The senator then rose and announced that she would withdraw the single candidacy for the presidency to support Alcolumbre.
Amin Esperidião (PP-SC) – Esperidião Amin defended the democratization of the distribution of project reports. "We need to democratize, especially for those who come, the responsibility to report on projects.Do not respect the parties [na distribuição].They do not respect new ones.It's just the consideration of the president of this creates corruption, "he said. The parliamentarian of Santa Catarina said that he wanted the policy "to take off" without him being able to do it himself. Amin also said that his candidacy did not benefit any of the other candidates. "I am sure that Brazil does not deserve and we will not accept the story of that if you are a candidate – help Renan or David – it's dununcismo, stupid and cowardly," he said. .
Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) – Renan Calheiros opened the speech by reminding that he was for the fifth time candidate. "I have never seen power as an end in itself." He advocated a reform of the social security system against privileges. "It is clear that he has come" Brazil will go nowhere, if it does not do a thorough reform, in fact, "he said, adding that he said he" will not go anywhere. He presided over the Senate "in all crises" and defended the secret ballot at the election of the president, saying that in the last elections, the Senate was "decimated" because of the small number of re-elections. of Senators
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