Anyone who has been using Windows for a long time knows how much Microsoft likes to create fixes to fix bugs. However, the company said that users outside the Windows Insider program were receiving beta versions of the system updates, which surprised many.
Dec 13
<img src = "http://css.tudocdn.net/new_files/img/shim.gif" data-src = "https: / /t.tudocdn.net/368265?w=115&h=95 "alt ="] Most of the loyal users of the operating system produced by the multinational Bill Gates know how much it is changing to fit the market and provide optimized and secure software Although there is a specific program for sharing feedback to deliver the product in a stable version to the end user, it seems that it is not only those who participate to this program who have access to these versions.
According to Microsoft, anyone who "Extract" an update using the "search for updates" option may receive a package in the process of This option is available precisely so that you can make more concrete changes to the system based on user, because the data provided by those who participate in Windows Insider do not always have the desired accuracy.
"A The purpose of these releases is to provide visibility and allow testing of non-security fixes that will be included in the next release of Tuesday's update."
It is important to clarify This option is only available for patches not related to security patches, which are part of another dynamic sending company. To prevent this type of file from being installed on your computer, just wait for Microsoft to send the updates and do not try to perform the installation manually.
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