Olympic Ray Glass Wall USP broke the new panel | County Dublin hotels


The broken glbad was reported by the Metropolitan Civil Guard (MCG) team that operates the night shift. It is unclear who or what caused the breakup, and no one was arrested.

The panels broke down less than 15 days after the opening of the first part of the works in April by the then mayor, João Doria (PSDB). The demolition of the concrete wall and the installation of the glbad were financed by private resources.

Since then, only one person was arrested at the scene after stealing one of the beams from the site that had not been installed. He was on the street and would be a drug user.

CMG teams monitor the site overnight to try to prevent vandalism.

In all, the glbad wall will have a length of 2.2 km and will be formed of a glbad of 10 mm thickness and a protective film. When the work is done, the concrete wall that exists next to Marginal Pinheiros will be knocked down.

The project, presented in July of last year, provides for the demolition of the wall that separates the Olympic series from Marginal Pinheiros with the establishment of a panel formed of aluminum and glbad suspended, using a concrete barrier. There will be three meters of glbad and one meter of concrete, totaling four meters in height.

According to City Hall, the glbad of the USP wall is five times stronger than ordinary glbad. The stretch will be monitored by cameras and will also be done landscaping and LED lighting of the stretch.

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