Eletrobras Distribuição Piauí informed on Friday (30th) that she will carry out an operation on Tuesday, July 3rd, aimed at cutting the diet of consumers in late payment. The goal is to recover revenue and reduce clandestine connections and spontaneous referrals.
The operation, which will begin at 7:30, on Praça da Telemar, in the district of Mocambinho, will reach all areas of Teresina. According to the company, the preparation of the plan initially foresees the visit of 16 employees, duly identified, to inform the customers of the outstanding invoices.
Next, 51 inspection and cutting teams will be designated to effect the suspension of the power supply of the customer who fails to make the payment. "The default rate in the state of Piauí reaches 270 million reais." Teresina, as the largest city in the state, contributes more than R $ 100 million of this debt, said the Head of the Billing and Accounts Receivable Department, Gileno Pontes.
According to him, the intention of the company is not to cut off the customer's energy, but call the consumer in advance so that he / he / she she attends one of the dealer's service stations and negotiates this debt.
Eletrobras informs that the consumer residing in the North Zone who wishes to negotiate overdue accounts can go to the service agency located in the River Poty shopping center, or look for other agencies in the capital .
For more information, the client can contact the company by calling 0800 086 0800 or by accessing the website (http://www.eletrobraspiaui.com/index.php/fale-com-eletrobras/ agencias- (with information from Eletrobras)
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