No written result for this line depends on this side's match result. São Paulo can beat or be beaten by Talleres and will not cease to be a club kidnapped by the mediocre interests of its leaders and advisers.
+ São Paulo trains more than 25 councilors in Córdoba, including one opponent who criticized "AeroLeco"
The trampling suffered by Corinthians over the past decade and Palmeiras has everything to do with the small size of the city. São Paulo administration. The most recent blow in his fans was to use a very important game to promote a tour of gentlemen who collaborate little with the club.
The presidential version of Leco was like that. Able to insult idols and walk anyone who voted for him or who can represent a headache for his tenure. His actions after 40 months in office show that Leco did not want to be president to improve Sao Paulo, but to satisfy a whim. Egocentrism Enchantment
Leco, president of São Paulo – Photo: Marcos Ribolli
Between 2014 and 15 years, he became the main ally of Carlos Miguel Aidar, who resigned several months later because of allegations of corruption. A recording of the former vice-president Ataide, Gil Guerreiro, showed it, as well as the Aidar brigades, both accusing Schwartzmann of asking for commissions in the most diverse affairs.
Since then, nothing has been proved against Schwartzmann. Fifteen months ago, he sharply criticized Benesse's travels with councilors and asked Leco for an indictment. Now you enjoy it. Because in São Paulo, the word has little value. Praise today for returning tomorrow. Criticize yourself today for enjoying tomorrow. He promises himself today to fail tomorrow. They are all the same.
+ Learn more about the news of São Paulo
São Paulo is kidnapped. This is a hostage. He is suffocated in a basement of Morumbi where these people meet periodically to discuss the future without knowing it. They do not know football, they do not know management, they do not know the management. And to the deep suffering of millions of fans, no ransom is expected.
Nobody asks for a ransom and no one wants to save him.
São Paulo is doomed to weakening unchecked if it stays in the hands of 0.0007% – a small percentage of councilors before the country's huge third crowd. Those who chat for bbadities like tickets and tickets. Leco's alibi of having inherited a prescribed chaotic club. He is as responsible as his predecessors and now more than they are.
Douglas Schwartzman, former director marketing and adviser of São Paulo – Photo: Marcelo Hazan
Between the courage to advance São Paulo and the comfort of preparing for conchavos policy, the president clearly explains his options. tion. Among the daring in search of new spirits, apolitical and eager to boost Sao Paulo and the comfort of surrounding sycophants.
Calm the Council with the pleasures because traveling alongside the players is an outdated method. He was already old when he was practiced by Juvenal Juvencio, much more competent, but so effective in the culture of power that he was lost amidst conchavos and alliances.
The official version says that AeroLeco symbolizes the pacification of the club with the invitation of several political parties sao-paulinos. You must be very stupid to accept this explanation. Pacify Argentine beef, wine and beer? Ignore the fact that those who kiss each other today exchange insults for months and will change again in 2020, when will there be elections?
Offer management positions to advisers also to pacify? Make a personal payer a peacemaker?
In the meantime, there is no project for Morumbi, for CT of Barra Funda, for marketing, there is no ambition for football, it does not exist. There is no harmony between basic and professional, nothing can interest the fans.
The indecent journey of Cordoba will be recorded as one of the sad chapters of the endless rapture of São Paulo.
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