PlayStation released a pack Fortnite Battle Royale for PlayStation 4, now available in Portugal. This edition includes a console PlayStation 4 500GB, a DUALSHOCK 4 Jet Black, and digital content of the title of Epic Games, at no additional cost.
The Digital Content of the Phenomenon Fortnite Battle Royale will include:
- Free Access to the Royal Battle Mode of Fortnite
- 500 V-Bucks
- Master Bomber Equipment (Exclusive Battle Royale)
is the Fortnite PvP mode for 100 players, which allows you to play alone or in groups of up to four players to capture resources, search for weapons, build bases, and deal damage. on the strongholds of your opponents and intense fights. In this mode, the last player to stay alive wins
A new pack Fortnite Battle Royale will be available from July 13th that will include PlayStation 4 Pro a
Si If you subscribe to the PlayStation Plus service, you will have free access to two exclusive packs of Fortnite : the PS Plus Celebration Pack 2 pack from Battle Royale, and an exclusive backpack.
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Fortune Battle Royale PS4
Fortune Battle Royale PS4
PS4 Fortune Battle Royale [
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PS3 Fortune Royal Battle
PS3 Fortune Royal Battle
PS3 Fortune Royal Battle
PS3 Fortune Royal Battle
PS4 Fortune Royal Battle
"data-medium-file =" https://i0.wp.com/canoes-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/PS4-Fortine-Battle-Royale.jpg?fit= 820% 2C580 & ssl = 1 "data-large-file =" https://i0.wp.com/canoials-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/PS4-Fortine-Battle -Royal .jpg? fit = 820% 2C580 & ssl = 1 "clbad =" align the size of the image wp-image-348360 "src =" https://i2.wp.com/canoticias.pt/wp-content/uploads / 2018/07 /PS4-Fortine-Battle-Royale.jpg?resize=820%2C580&ssl=1 "alt =" CA Playstation 4 news pack with Fortnite already on sale in stores "width =" 820 "height = "580" date-recalc-dims = "1" />
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