Coach Luiz Felipe Scolari said on Tuesday (4) at the presentation of TV Gazeta's Mesa Redonda Trophy, who spoke with football director, Alexander Mattos, in order to extend his stay at of Palmeiras . and even sent a humorous charge to President Mauricio Galiotte, also present at the protest, for reinforcements for 2019. The Brazilian champion coach recently confirmed having offered to lead the Colombian national team and promised to "think". 19659002] "I've already talked to Alexander today, I have an idea, what I need is that my president hires two or three players." With William's injury, we lost one of our great references, and we must recover this loss on the ground. "
Shortly after thanking the professionals of Palmeiras while receiving the prize of the best coach of the Championship of Brazil, Felipão scapar in addressing Galiotte:" We will be together next year. "Then he s & # 39, is corrected himself: "Maybe we will be together."
The president of the state also spoke about the situation of the coach on his arrival at the event "Obviously, he is an excellent coach, he is one of the best in the world. It is quite natural that there is speculation because he is a very good coach. My post is that he is fine with us, we have a state-of-the-art structure, we have
The second (3) day, the President of the Republic of Brazil, the President of the Republic of Brazil, at Silver Ball Award course, Felipão told ESPN Brasil, the organizer of the event, that he would reflect on the Colombian proposal. The contract of the coach with Palmeiras goes until the end of 2020, together with a severance pay of a salary (R $ 500,000).
"I have the invitation, but the problem is that now, at the end of the championship, we will think very clearly, because in the last 20 or 25 years, I had to go through 80% of my time out of Brazil, so there are familiar aspects too, and another family I have to think about: the Palmeiras family, the way they treat me, the way they treat me, the way they exist this identification between the inhabitants of Palmeiras and myself, I must think, "said Scolari
Palmeiras was the most awarded team of Trophy Round Table with five representatives. Felipe Melo and Bruno Henrique, midfielder Lucas Lima and striker Dudu have entered the Brazilian national team. In addition, Felipão was chosen as the best coach. Vanderlei (Santos), Rodinei (Flamengo) and Reinaldo (São Paulo), central defender Dedé (Cruzeiro) and Geromel (Grêmio), midfielder Lucas Paquetá (Flamengo) and striker Gabigol (Santos) completed the mark . (Fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;} _ fbq.push ([“addPixelId”,”1425099884432564″]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”PixelInitialized”,{}]);
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