Palmeiras remains optimistic and plans to ensure Bruno Henrique – Football


The Palmeiras does not give the departure of Bruno Henrique as a certainty. The board of directors knows that the athlete has been interested in Chinese football since December, but maintains daily conversations with the athlete's businessmen and has learned that he is not Was acting only as an investigation.

Since last year, . new proposal for renewal in midfield, but discussions are not yet advanced. Upon his return to Brazil in June 2017, the athlete was still considering a career in the country.

He therefore made a condition for the cancellation of the fine of 6 million euros double that of the club paid to Palermo in Italy, for his contracts.

The staff of Bruno Henrique considers that the proposal of Tianjin Teda is irrefutable. The Chinese club says it is ready to pay the fine and offers a salary of more than 1.7 million dollars .

The salary cap of Palmeiras would not allow a salary of this level, but a new contract and a career plan of a lower level than the one offered to Dudu. One of the possible options is .

Today, Bruno Henrique receives R $ 260,000 in the portfolio. Your income increases when you take into account productivity, a correct image and the recruitment of gloves.

In the press conference that followed the win against São Caetano on Sunday (27), Felipão explained that he had the midfielder, was mocked by the proposal and said that 39, a team from wanted to be champion. to spend more . The athlete, in turn, did not deny the proposal and declared that everything was between in the hands of his manager .

While accompanying the news that interested him, Palmeiras always relies on the good relations that exist between OTB, the group of activities of Bruno Henrique.

If you choose to pay fine, Tianjin Teda does not even have to deal with Alviverde. Just drop the amount of fine into the team's accounts and hit the athlete.

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