Patients hospitalized for suspicion of bubonic plague in Rio de Janeiro The State of Rio de Janeiro is investigating an alleged case of bubonic plague in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


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regio The victim is hospitalized at Luiz Palmier Municipal Hospital in So Gonalo, in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area The health unit confirmed the suspicions of last Thursday (10/1), and the result should leave this week.

According to the So Gonalo Municipal Secretary of Health, the patient did not show clinical signs characteristic of the disease, but the bacterium responsible for the plague had been identified during a preliminary examination performed by the municipality

.The Ministry of Health announced that the last case of the disease had been recorded in Cear in 2005. Although the disease is also called " Black Death ", the doctor in diseases infectious Leandro Machado observed that it was not correct to connect the disease to the Middle Ages. The United States and Asia have at present risk areas, especially in Africa. he still has urban cases of the disease, "he explained.

In Brazil, there are also regions on alert, as explained by Machado, such as the Northeastern States and Terespolis, In the State of Rio de Janeiro, according to the Ministry of Health, there are other areas of pestgenas located on the mining territory of the Rio Doce and Jequitinhonha valleys, which can be considered as an extension of northeastern focus, which is distributed in the Cear, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraba, Pernambuco (with a small extension to Piau), to Alagoas and Bahia

"which has contributed to reducing the number of case that we were able to deal with. With the treatment, you reduce the transmission. urbanization, basic sanitation, which also decreases the number of rodents and the risk of new infections, "said the infectologist.

Bubonic plague is an acute infectious disease, transmitted by the flea bite infected and manifesting itself in three main clinical forms: bubonic, septic and pneumoic, commonly called "black plague", "rat fever" or "rat disease".

Transmission in bubonic form is produced by the bite of infected fleas.In the pneumatic form, transmission is given by agar droplets emitted into the environment.This is a disease whose reservoir is the rodent wild and transmitted by the bite of the tick in rodents, then in the man, the cat, which can also infect a person, "said Machado.

Transmission occurs during the symptomatic period, during which the bacillus circulates in the body in greater quantity. The treatment of the plague should be done with antibiotics. To avoid this, I need to avoid contact with wild rodents and sinanthropic animals – who have adapted to live with humans – because of their fleas.

Information from Agncia Brazil

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