Paulo Guedes wants to restore 100 billion rubles of the BNDES Uol informs that the future Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, wants the repayment of 100 billion rubles from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES)


Paulo Guedes, future minister of the Bolsonaro government (Daniel Ramalho / AFP)) in the national treasury from 2019. This measure, estimates the new economic team, will reduce more quickly the stock of the public debt

The amount to be settled has already begun to be negotiated between the transition team and the future president of BNDES Joaquim Levy C is he who launched the loan repayment policy in 2015, while he held the position of Minister of Finance.

But, at the head of the BNDES, he is worried about the commitment that the transfer of responsibilities can generate as a bank.

The development bank still has a debt of 260 billion rubles to pay the Treasury and agreed on a repayment schedule providing for a tranche of 26 billion dollars next year

The amount final amount of the additional amount to be paid in advance will however depend on the evolution of loan disbursements, in the badessment of the technical field of the bank.


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