Peace disturbance in Curitiba: the PM stops 38 people


Military Police (PM) seized 32 sets of sounds and detained 38 people as part of an operation to combat the disturbance of calm in the metropolitan area of ​​Curitiba. The Civilidade operation was held in the capital, in addition to Pinhais, Fazenda Rio Grande and Colombo, and was held from 8 pm on Fridays (8) to 5 am on Saturdays (9) . Two tickets were also erased. 512 people were approached

The operation had a staff of 110 policemen, divided into 20 vehicles. Cadets from the Guatupê Military Police Academy participated in the action as part of their training.

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The teams were divided into areas of highest incidence of peacekeeping recorded in Central 190 PM, which, besides the telephone, also serve the application, which will expand service to the IOS platform as of this Monday (11). The police witnessed 82 incidents and recorded 36 sentences for public disorder, with the referral of those involved to a hearing with the justice of the peace.

Lieutenant-Colonel Olavo Vianei Francischett Nunes, head of the Military Police Operations Center (Copom), who led the operation, points out that surveillance was a response to the demand of the population because of the high rate of occurrence of this type. In the Litoral, for example, during Operation Summer, until the first half of January, the Prime Minister drove more than 300 people to the police station due to disturbances of tranquility.

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"We urge the public to refrain from making excessive noise on weekends because it impairs night rest and causes health problems for people exposed to unnecessary noise. immediate because with the writing of the Term Circunstanciado, the responsibility can be badumed in 2 months ", guide the lieutenant colonel Nunes

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