Petrobras loses $ 2.4 billion in shares abroad


Petrobras suffered another defeat. On Monday, March 2, Vantage Drilling, the US oil well drilling operator, won a $ 622 million ($ 2.4 billion) arbitration lawsuit against the national oil company. The defeat comes less than a week after the oil company agreed to pay $ 2.95 billion to finalize all the shares against shareholder losses caused by the discovery of irregularities during the course of the year. Operation Lava Jato of the Federal Police.

Petrobras was Vantage's biggest customer, with whom he had a contract to supply drilling vessels since 2009. The arbitration was opened by the US company after unilaterally canceling his contract by the Brazilian company at reason that the operator had failed his obligations.

Vantage was involved in the investigations of Lava Jato Operation of the awards ceremony of the former director of the international area of ​​the state of Jorge Zelada. The director admitted to having favored Vantage in negotiating for the chartering of the Titanium Explorer probe, valued at 1.8 billion US dollars. According to the federal prosecutor's office, hiring Titanium has reported $ 20.8 million ($ 81 million) in tips.

As it was still missing $ 1.1 billion, Vantage filed an appeal in an arbitration court During the termination period, the oil market was experiencing a period of overproduction of rigs, reflecting the fall in international prices in 2014. During this period, Petrobras also reviewed contracts with Brazilian companies.

Schahin, Seadrill and Transocean

In addition to Petrobrás, the units of Petrobras America (PAI) and Petrobras Venezuela Investments and Services (PVIS) were also found guilty.


Petrobras did not comment. According to the Dow Jones News Agency, the US probe operator declared bankruptcy late 2015, citing oil prices and the effects of Lava Jato's operation on Petrobras. The company reportedly withdrew its bid in 2016.

According to the 20-F report, sent by Petrobrás to US capital markets agencies, the state company estimates the company's value of $ 400 million US $ (R $ 1.5 billion)

According to federal police, Lava Jato allegedly resulted in a loss of at least R $ 20 billion for the oil company

Jorge Zelada was sentenced to 12 years Imprisonment

Zelada was captured in Operation Connection Monaco, the 15th phase of Lava Jato.

Zelada was captured in Operation Connection Monaco, 15th stage of Lava Jato. The investigators discovered secret accounts of the former director of the state company of the Principality of Monaco with a balance of 11.58 million Swiss francs, or 50.2 million reais

More problems

Petrobras also suffered, in June, from a major setback in the Brazilian courts. The Higher Labor Court (TST) ruled that employees of the public company are entitled to payment of wage premiums defined in a collective agreement originally signed in 2007. The account that will remain with the company is about 15 billion reais. In this case, however, there is always room for the call. The information comes from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo

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