Physician's body found in a condominium pool in the metropolitan area of ​​Recife


Case occurred in the Torquato Castro residential condominium, located at 12 Km from Aldeia, in Camaragibe
(Photo: Leopoldo Monteiro / JC Online / Northeast Network)

The body of a cardiologist, also a lawyer, was found late Wednesday (4) in an advanced state of decomposition. The corpse was inside a well belonging to the house where the victim lived with his family in the Torquato Castro residential condominium, located at Km 12 in Aldeia, Camaragibe, metropolitan area of ​​Recife. The doctor disappeared for about a month. He also had a planned trip to Miami (United States) for June 2nd.

According to information from the civilian police, the body of the 54-year-old doctor and lawyer was removed with the help of the fire department, a well of 39, about 25 meters deep. According to the expert of the Institute of Criminalistics (IC) Fernando Benevides, the remains were in an advanced state of decomposition.

Suspected wife and son

The victim's wife had recorded an incident report on the disappearance of the doctor on June 20 this year. In the files, the woman, who is a pharmacist, alleged that the victim had traveled outside the country and had not returned. During the investigation, the delegate Carmem Lúcia Silva Andrade, who is at the head of the case, suspected the participation of the wife and one of the couple's children, a young man of 23 years old, when the doctor disappears. The police authorities requested a search warrant and seizure at the family's home and took both to provide clarification to the Camaragibe Police Station.

Mother and son will be accused in the act of concealment of a corpse. Preliminary information indicates that the doctor's body has shown signs of division.

The Pernambuco Civil Police reported that the details of this event should be officially released on Thursday (5).

Via the Northeast Network

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