Piauí has ​​45% of the population living in poverty, reveals IBGE


The number of people living in poverty in Piauí has ​​increased between 2016 and 2017. According to the summary of social indicators, published Wednesday (5). ) by IBGE, 45.1% of its population lived in this situation two years ago. In 2017, the index climbed to 45.3%, which corresponds to 8,234 additional people.

In absolute terms, Piauí had 1,448,161 inhabitants of Piauís living in poverty, compared with 1,456,395 in 2017.

Using the 2017 data and comparing all states, the highest proportion of poor was in Maranhão, with more than half of the population, 54.1% of the population, and in Alagoas, 48 , 9%, followed by Acre (47.7%), Amazonas (47.9%), Amapá (45.9%) and Piauí with 45.3%.

The study used World Bank criteria, which considers poor people whose daily income is less than $ 5.5 or $ 406 per month per purchasing power parity.


The country had 54.8 million people living with less than R $ 406 per month in 2017, or two million more than in 2016. This means that the proportion of the population living in poverty increased from 25.7% to 26.5%, according to the summary of social indicators. The Northeast has the highest percentage of people living in poverty, 44.8% or 25.5 million people

. To eliminate poverty, the study said that it would be necessary to invest R $ 10.2 billion a month. in the economy, or guarantee an additional $ 187 per month, on average, in the income of each person in that situation. The badysis shows that not only did the incidence of poverty increase, but also the intensity, since it reached 183 dollars more in 2016.

Art: Marcelo Barroso

Leonardo Athias, an badyst at the IBGE's Social Indicators Synthesis, points out that the improvement of labor market conditions is the only way to improve the labor market. one of the ways in which poverty can contribute to poverty reduction: "to have opportunities, to reduce unemployment and to increase formalization obviously have a series of effects that allow people to get out of this situation."

Hérlon Moraes (IBGE Information)
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