PM soldier requests leave after posting a video on a kiss from another man


SÃO PAULO – The Soldier of the São Paulo Military Police Leandro Barcellos prior, 27, has asked to be removed from his professional activities after the release of a video in which he appears in the process. kiss another man.

In the video, the boy appears to appear on his cell phone and speak to a friend while both are in a wagon of Line 3 – Red, towards Corinthians – Itaquera. At one point, they exchange a "seal". During the action, he wears the police uniforms in which he is identified as "SD PM Prior."

  PM soldier, 27-year-old Leandro Barcellos Prieur, reportedly kissed a friend in a subway car in São Paulo

PM Leandro Barcellos, 27-year-old soldier, allegedly kissed a friend in a subway car in São Paulo

Prior to receiving the threats, Prior reportedly asked to be removed from the prime minister on Friday, 29, for being "severely shaken," according to his lawyer, José Beraldo. According to him, the boy is in a retirement home and under badgesic treatment for having been "deeply stressed".

Also according to the lawyer, the prime minister has been working for the company for four years. Before that, he lived on the north coast of São Paulo.

Threats. Beraldo claims that an incident report will be recorded later this Tuesday, 3, to denounce the attacks and death threats received by Prior. According to him, most of the threats are unknown, including "high ranking" police officers. "It's a hate crime, you can not harbad it, it's a very serious homophobic crime," he says.

Due to threats, Prior would have closed the profiles that he maintained on social networks and changed phone number. "We ask for rigor in the investigations, I can guarantee that he has always honored the military police, he has always honored the uniform," he says

Military Police By note, the Prime Minister said that Prior left for "health treatment" after requesting the medical service of the institution. "The threats made to the PM by social networks, with homophobic connotations, are being clarified."

In addition, PM will investigate the soldier's behavior in the video. "The conduct of the uniformed MP in the metro captured on video will be determined solely and exclusively administratively, as it demonstrates a position inconsistent with the security procedures expected of a police officer in uniform and uniform, who requires that He is vigilant. "

The institution also claims to have made available to the soldier protective measures provided by the Prime Minister's Corregidor Victims Division, which investigates crimes committed as police officers and provides support to victims.

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