"Police Pointed at Being Black" – TV Spotlight Pedro Maya plays the Boy in shape: Brazilian lives (Photo: Divulgação / Globo)


<img clbad = "size-full wp-image-655086" src = "https://www.otvfoco.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/malhacao-nova-temporada-glo_c6b0eadb9e9da94f9e7561b6a82f67f3453398e6. jpeg "alt =" Pedro Maya plays the role of Boy in Fitness: more successful than the boy of the Malhação novel: Vidas Brasileiras In the booklet, he made the public aware of embarrbading situations simply to be black. 39; was not only in the fiction that the actor went through this problem.

" I was running in the street and I was arrested by two policemen who were riding a motorcycle. They told me to put my hand on my head and then they took out the weapon. I was 17 and the cops just pointed at me just because I was black. I've seen cases of whites running around and never stopped by the police. Due to the social context in which we live in Brazil, I've certainly been arrested to be black " revealed that he continued to say that the justification given by the police for the approach was that it was running

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" I had left the bank, so I had to pay an account. I was with my mother, I left her on the bench, and I went home to get my documents. When I got home, I was approached. I was arrested at other times when I was the only black man in the tram, and the only one who stopped and searched was me. This can not be seen as explicit racism. This is structural racism, "he said .

In Malhação, Peter's character changed from the pbadage of water to wine Professor Gabriela (Camila Morgado) He saved him from a public lynching and discovered that the boy dreamed of going back to study and eating decently.With the help of the professional, he managed to achieve both of these goals, in addition having begun to study music and to be adopted by Heitor (Luis Gustavo)

<img clbad = "wp-image-655088" src = "https://www.otvfoco.com.br/wp-content/ uploads / 2018/07 / 6651752_x720.jpg "alt =" Garoto was helped by Gabriela in Malhação (Photo: Reproduction / Globe) [19659009 He is a very humble boy, like so many others. And the pop star state appears in the blink of an eye. I think the boy is a character who does not dazzle easily by the celebrity, even if he was a street child, saw many types of realities, had a lot of false promises. It's a very exciting moment for him, of course, but he has his foot on the ground " rated the boy about the character.


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