Police: Prime Minister offsets the hostage taking in which the family was taken hostage A police officer managed to intercept a lightning kidnapping with the help of security guards at a shopping mall in Mangabeiras, Maceió, on Saturday night.


According to Sergeant Rubens of the 1st Battalion Military Police, he was at the mall, the mall, the mall, the commercial parking lot, the family being taken hostage was released by bandits who fled in a stolen car.

He identified himself as a policeman and was informed that it was a flash kidnapping, started a few minutes before, by two armed men [19659004] The family had been returned leaving the house, in the district of Poço, and taken in the car to withdraw money in an agency of the district of Farol. One of the victims, a woman, was released from two accounts for a total of $ 1860.

In addition, another woman, a man and two children were in the car, who were then taken to the mall where the same The victim was ordered to buy cell phones on his credit card, while the couple hijacked their family members.

Inside the mall, the woman ran the security guards. "She had the nerve to tell him that it was a flash kidnapping.When I saw the security guards, they shouted" it's the car. "I said that he was a policeman and I fired two shots into the tire, but one hit the bumper.They pulled back and hit a car, then tried to get out, but the center of the shopping center closed everything [os portões].

The agent said that there was a race between customers to enter the mall, but no one was

The 1st Battalion of the Prime Minister was dismissed and the couple who had the car stolen, a black Onix plate QLK-7997, was ordered to register in the Bulletin of Occurrence in Central de Flagrantes [19659004]

A thief with similar characteristics occurred in Maceió, on the 26th, next to the Rotary terminal, in the grotto of Lourdes

Three men, one armed, one party who went into a house and announced the aggression. One of the victims was removed from the scene and forced to withdraw money at a nearby bank branch. The thugs fled with a white Ford Fiesta, plate OHJ-3598

Cases will be investigated by the civilian police.

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