The civilian police rescued 116 Yorkshire and Maltese breed dogs from an underground kennel on Wednesday (27) in the town of Ademar, in the southern area of São Paulo. The animals showed signs of abuse in a dirty place without water or food.
A team from the 13th Green House Police District issues subpoenas in the area when it is called by a resident who complains of constant barking in a house and suspicion of using him as a clandestine kennel
The police went to the residence, where was a man, 56 years old. He confessed that he had more than 100 animals and used them for sale via the Internet and procreation.
According to the Secretariat of Public Security, the man was referred to the 13th DP, where a circumstantial term of the practice of animal abuse was recorded. He was released afterwards. The dogs were placed under guard of the four-legged angel project.
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