The electoral campaign of Bolsonaro is mainly based on social networks. He had to end the street campaign because of the shelling he was subjected to and at the time of the election on television, he had only 8 seconds per block of 12 minutes. Through social media, he delivered speeches, delivered statements and presented demonstrations in the form of messages, videos and live broadcasts. In this new environment, the conviction of freedom is the best guarantee of respect for the high ideals that characterize our Constitution ",
" People's power no longer needs intermediation.
Upon his arrival for the ceremony, the elected president, who is captain of the army reserve, greeted the people present with a greeting and was welcomed by the public.
During the speech read the entirety of the article at the end of this report he says that he will rule for all, without distinction, and not just for those who voted for him. He thanked over 57 million votes in the second round and called for the "trust" of those who opted for other candidates.
"I thank the more than 57 million Brazilians for having honored me with their vote, to those who have not supported me, I ask for the confidence to build together a better future for our country. ", did he declare.
According to the president-elect, the differences are "inherent" to multiple and complex societies like the Brazilian, but there are "ideals" that bring Brazilians together.
"I will govern for the benefit of all without distinction of social origin, race, bad, color, age or religion."
"As of January 1, I will be the president of the 210 million Brazilians, President-elect Jair Bolsonaro receives from the President of the Supreme Electoral Court, Minister Rosa Weber, the diploma allowing him to occupy the post of president – Photo: Evaristo Sá / AFP "title =" The elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, receives from the president of TEPJF, minister Rosa Weber, the diploma that allows him to badume the presidency – photo: Evaristo Sa / AFP "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcDBQYCBP / EABUBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAHByYx9zVJLzM9KIPVGB1WEwPJ // 8QAIBAAAgED BAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQBAAMFBgcRMxMUMf / aAAgBAQABBQK3MEXNkG / aFiPJFXniEtCZfGyluDl0sgxzNM9J9i / 2V // E ABwRAAIBBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQREiEzQf / aAAgBAwEBPwFzw82KVyp6CP / EABwRAAIABwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQMREiEyQf / aAAgBAgEBPwFUrnhaSNCJ / 8QAIxAAAQMEAAcBAAAAAAAAAAAAAQACAwQREiEQEyIxQVGBcf / aAAgBAQAGPwJoJxBPdciZzN3F36 o43FvfBpa7pG9e1VSTyU0Er5LhsxGVvqpRR1EM + + + + dork Nruggj CP / 8QAHxABAAIBBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARIUFhofAQMVHB / 9oACAEBAAE / IS6gCs1EdPHsGNPyDuxojcIS4psrjHDPio4HJMS6O4kJb0UnWTnfk4xO9v4 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABCfkB // // xAAbEQACAwADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARExQSFRsf / aAAgBAwEBPxDLbq4iOhiSzyRQ / 8QAGhEBAQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITGBsf / aAAgBAgEBPxDJE9JA6vduV // EAB4QAQEAAgEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExEEFRobHw / President-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, receives President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Rosa Weber, the diploma allowing him to exercise the presidency. – Photo: Evaristo Sá / AFP "President-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, title =" President-elect Jair Bolsonar receives from the President of the High Electoral Court, Minister Rosa Weber, the diploma that allows him to badume the presidency – Photo: Evaristo Sá / AFP "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/iF9ue1oxjyf-_NRVcKvUUsYzXRg= / 0x0: 2000×1333 / 1008×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.glbimg.com/ v1 / AUTH_59edd422c0c4a879bd37670ae4f538a / internal_photos / bs / 2018 / t / n / ik6tYTT0erVcZV1ZVHZAh 19659010] The elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, receives from the president of the Superior Electoral Court, Rosa Weber, the diploma that qualifies him to badume the presidency – Photo: Evaristo Sá / AFP
In another part of the speech, Bolsonaro praised the TSE's performance in the elections and said that his victory in the polls is the "recognition" that the people chose the leaders "in free and fair elections. fair. "
However, during the election campaign, the elected president questioned the credibility of electronic ballot boxes more than once and even declared that he would not recognize the outcome of the election as his own. He won the race for the presidency.
In a transmission through social networks during the electoral process, he even spoke of "fraud" in elections.
Bolsonaro emphasized that Brazil is "one of the largest democracies in the world". According to him, the Brazilians voted "peacefully and orderly", expressing their desire for change.
The elected president said that the country should be proud of the election and that its commitment to "the sovereignty of the popular vote is steadfast".
"We Brazilians have to be proud of this success, and in this period of profound uncertainty in various parts of the world, we are an example of the possible transformation by popular vote," he said.
Bolsonaro baderts that "the construction of a more just and developed nation" requires a "break with the practices that have historically retarded our progress."
"More Corruption , more violence, more lies, p more ideological manipulation, more submission of our destiny to the interests of others, more mediocrity, complacent to the detriment of our development, "he said.
The elected president also said that the "historic agenda" of the people's demands included "public safety and the fight against crime, equal opportunity in merit and individual effort ".
"Our obligation is to propose an efficient State that values taxes paid by taxpayers."
"Our obligation is to ensure that Brazilians return home safely after a day's work.Our duty is to create the conditions for the entrepreneur to create jobs and generate income for the worker. ", he added.
Minister Rosa Weber, President of the TSE, during the Bolsonaro Diploma – Photo: Reproduction / NBR
After the diploma of Bolsonaro, the President of TSE, Rosa Weber said that democracy was not limited to voting, because it supposed "a constant exercise of dialogue and tolerance, a difference. "
According to the Minister, this" exercise "includes respect for minorities", especially those who are stigmatized by the situation of vulnerability in which they are unfairly exposed. "
Rosa Weber spoke of refugees , "unfortunate victims of the terrible humanitarian crisis", claiming that Brazil was bound by commitments
"We must not forget democracy, it rejects the authoritarian notion of human thought" decades.
Addressing the elected president, he said that the supremacy of the constitution should be the "north" of the next government.
As I have always said, I regard this stage of my life as a God's mission We will do our best to give our country a future with better days Brazil above all else God above all Href = "https://t.co/6fG4wge06O" url = "https: // t .co / 6fG4wge06O "> pic.twitter.com/6fG4wge06O <! –
The issuance of the diploma formalized the result of the ballot box. This is the last stage of the electoral process and the official condition for the inauguration, scheduled for January 1st.
Bolsonaro's plaque garnered 57.7 million votes in this year's elections, beating Fernando Haddad (PT) in the second round.
The solemnity of this Monday at the TSE plenary meeting in Brasilia brought together Bolsonaro's relatives, the authorities and the future ministers of the government. The terms of Bolsonaro and Mourão go until December 31, 2022.
On October 4, the TSE approved with objections the accounts of the Bolsonaro campaign. The judgment was necessary for the diploma of the plate.
According to the profit, provided by plaque advocates, the campaign raised $ 4.3 million R $ and spent $ 2.8 million.
The campaign's accountant, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, stated that, according to the technical field of the court, much of the "inconsistencies" in liability were corrected after the Bolsonaro defense rectified the provision .
Read below the full speech of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro at the TSE graduation ceremony.
I thank all those who have believed and who have been with me since the beginning of my career, in happy moments but especially in difficult moments. This victory belongs to all of us.
I would like to thank the more than 57 million Brazilians who honored me with their vote. To those who have not supported me, I ask you for your confidence to build together a better future for our country.
As of January 1, I will be the president of 210 million Brazilians. With humility, courage and perseverance, and having faith in God to enlighten my decisions, I will dedicate myself day and night to the goal that I will give to all, regardless of their social background, race, bad, color, age or religion.
unites us: the construction of a prosperous, fair and secure Brazil, which occupies a prominent place among the world's great nations. It's our north, that's our commitment.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are one of the largest democracies in the world. One hundred and twenty million Brazilians went to the polls in a peaceful and orderly manner. We respond to the civic duty to vote, with serenity and responsibility.
We Brazilians should be proud of this achievement. At a time of profound uncertainty in various parts of the world, we are an example of possible transformation through popular voting.
This process is irreversible. Our commitment to the sovereignty of the popular vote is unwavering.
Ladies and gentlemen, the desire for change was clearly expressed during the elections. The people want peace and prosperity, without renouncing the values that characterize the Brazilian people
Our people are hardworking, composed of men and women, mothers and fathers who raise their children with sweat and dedication. We all hope for a decent life. People who make no effort to support their families. People who need a government that guarantees the right conditions to develop their potential with freedom and creativity.
The construction of a more just and developed nation requires a break with practices that have historically slowed our progress. Corruption. More violence. No more lies. More ideological manipulation. No more submission of our destiny to the interests of others.
We all know the historical agenda of the demands of the Brazilian people: public safety and the fight against crime, equal opportunities in terms of merit and individual effort
We all know it, but we have not yet been able to offer the public what it implies as duty of the state. Still within the framework of the Federal Constitution, our duty is to translate these aspirations into reality. Our obligation is to provide an effective state that pays taxes paid by taxpayers.
Our obligation is to ensure that Brazilians return home safely after a day's work. Our duty is to create the conditions for the entrepreneur to create jobs and generate income for the worker.
I am fully aware of the challenges ahead. Without underestimating them, I will work hard so that, in four years, we can proudly look back on the path we have taken in favor of our beloved Brazil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living a new era. The October elections revealed a reality distinct from the practices of the past.
Popular power no longer needs intermediation. New technologies have enabled a direct relationship between voters and their representatives. In this new environment, the conviction of freedom is the best guarantee of respect for the noble ideals that characterize our Constitution.
Differences are inherent in a complex and multifaceted society like ours, but we must never stray from the ideals that unite us: love of the homeland and dedication to building a gift of peace and blessing. 39: a more prosperous future [19659059] Minister Rosa Weber, ladies and gentlemen of the TSE, this collective work guaranteeing the legitimacy of the electoral process is an example of the Brazilian union.
With the support and commitment of all, we will regain the pride of being Brazilian. Let's save pride by the colors of our flag and by the strength of our hymn. Because we are sure that this country is destined for prosperity and peace.
Brazil must be above everything. God bless our country and all Brazilians.
Thank you all
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