Promotion: iPhone XS Max 64 GB for $ 6,300 and 256 GB for $ 6,882!


Looking for an iPhone promotion? We found a few for the high-end Apple, the iPhone XS Max . and Shoptime sell the 64GB model for . Casas Bahia and and a discount of 12.5% ​​on the monetary value of Apple ($ 7,199 R). Extra sells the 256GB model for R $ 6.881,07 a 13.1% discount over the $ 7,919.10 R $ value of Apple

They still do not put devices on a par with American values, but at least they leave them close – and national models still have the advantage of having the 4G 4G group (and 4.5G support), as we explained

If you are not crazy, you like of course save. And, for this, the MacMagazine created the extension MM Offers !

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