By dividing the protagonism of the PSG in the current season, Neymar and Mbappé can be separated by financial questions. The newspaper "L'Equipe" brings on the cover of its edition this Saturday the possibility for the French club to choose to sell one of the two stars for fear of sanctions from the UEFA in the field of Fair Play Financial. The club, however, denied the information.
The leading French sports daily said that the club's board of directors was preparing for any eventuality following UEFA's decision to open an investigation into PSG's accounts. And among the badumptions, there would be "the obligation" to sell one of the stars to balance the finances and adapt to financial fair play. [“L'Équipe”couverturedeventepossibled'unedesstars-Photo:Reproduction”src=”date:image/jpeg;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«/>[19659004] The cover "The Team" covers the possible sale of one of the stars – Photo: Reproduction "title =" The cover of "The Team" deals with the eventual sale of the # 39; one of the stars: //s2.glbimg.com/0GRz9H2n3LvCqoYT7PZxyC DQ2GU = / 0x0: 793×1020 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.Simple The Team notes that he wanted to get more of money, the club would sell Mbappé, which has the highest market value because of "The Team" deals with the possible sale of one of the stars – Photo: Reproducção
of the Age – the star is only 19 years old. However, according to the publication, only Real could engage, while Neymar would be the target of Manchester United.
The publication stresses, however, that the club's management – a Qatar-based financial group – believes that the ideal would be to maintain Neymar, which has "the greatest international influence".
Shortly after the publication of the newspaper's cover, PSG issued an official statement denying this information and severely criticizing "The Team", with which he had already had friction earlier this season.
– In addition to denying with the utmost firmness these totally false and ridiculous allegations that only recreate a climate of tension between the club and the media, PSG is again impressed – indicates an extract of the note, which newspaper, accusing him of lying.