PT disputes the choice for replacing Lula |


On the 98th day of the first round, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva tries, unsuccessfully, to stop a dispute between petistas for the right to replace him in the presidential race, facing the Likely obstacle to his candidacy.

But, while waiting for a definition of the former president, potential candidates and supporters have already fought their battles for Lula's reserve role. Today, four names are considered to incorporate Plan B: former governor Jaques Wagner, former mayor Fernando Haddad, PT president Gleisi Hoffmann and former minister Celso Amorim.

And a sample of this rivalry took place on June 8, the date of the official launch of Lula's pre-candidacy for Contagem (MG). Designated as a favorite of the governors of Lula and the PT, Wagner was responsible for reading a message sent by the former president

. Under the leadership of Gleisi, the organizers of the act however decided to set up a jogral to read the letter. Rejected the idea, the task was pbaded on to the former president Dilma Rousseff. At the time of reading, Wagner had already left the auditorium where the launch was taking place. His departure was interpreted as an additional sign of his lack of appetite for the presidential nomination, especially after a Lava Jato operation at his home. Wagner's supporters say, however, that he will agree to compete when he is summoned by Lula, but prefers to be discreet by then.

Meanwhile, Haddad is trying to soften the internal resistance. To this end, he joined the largest PT chain, Construindo o Novo Brasil (CNB), crossed Brazil and met petistas under the pretext of developing Lula's government program.

Turbulence 19659004] The conflict began the day after Lula's arrest on April 7. Contrary to the announcement that Haddad would share with Gleisi the mission of speaking on behalf of the former president, the senator had recorded in a party resolution that she was the spokeswoman designated by Lula. Increasingly popular among activists, Gleisi has also banned an internal debate on Plan B, fueling the suspicion that he is trying to make it viable.

On the 18th of this month, at the informal meeting of the PT, PT leaders expressed apprehension over the lack of strategy for after the World Cup. The meeting was recorded so that its content could be sent to Lula.

At the meeting, former ministers Franklin Martins and Aloizio Mercadante worried about the absence of an accredited spokesperson to represent Lula in the pre-campaign activities. .

In the midst of this turbulence, a group of PT leaders is working on the appointment of Celso Amorim for the execution of Plan B. There is even a slogan for the diplomat: the Chancellor of Peace "or" the ambbadador of hope. Officially, however, the party maintains the speech that Lula will be a candidate. (Folhapress) 19659011 Image Gallery: 19659012 id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; getElementById (id)) returns: js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "http: // connect / pt_BR / all.js # xfbml = 1 "; fjs. parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document," script ", & quot; facebook-jssdk & # 39; )]; [ad_2]
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