Purple February campaign alert about the diagnosis of lupus


The month of February is devoted to sensitization to autoimmune diseases, with a special focus on lupus, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer's disease. Lupus is a disease that presents a wide variety of clinical signs. The cause remains unknown, but according to the Ministry of Health, a number of factors contribute to its development in the bodies of some people.

Autoimmune diseases can usually be caused by the badociation of hormones, infectious diseases, genetic and environmental impacts. Lupus is a condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue itself, abnormal body behavior.

Symptoms usually include inflammation of the joints of the hands, redness of the skin, facial patches similar to those of a wing. butterfly, hair loss, anemia without any specific cause, fluid in the lungs, foam in the urine and fever of undetermined origin. When it is not under control, lupus can damage the joints, kidneys, lungs, brain, heart and blood. As a result, severe anemia and a decrease in the number of white blood cells and platelets can pose serious risks to patients.

Many studies open up new perspectives in the treatment of pathology, particularly in the immunobiological field, as in the case of compromise. renal nephritis of lupus.


Lupus lupus rheumatologist Eduardo Yabuta Silveira explains that the diagnosis occurs when a combination of the main symptoms is noted. "We should be wary of the clinical symptoms mentioned above, whether they occur alone or together." I emphasize that laboratory results make diagnosis easier, but not always alone. "

The specialist also claims that the disease, although not curable, has a period of remission, as well as other autoimmune diseases." Autoimmune diseases have no cure. The goal of treatment is remission, which occurs when clinical signs and symptoms are absent, as well as when certain laboratory tests are standardized. "

The specialist also says that, even if the disease is in remission, According to the rheumatologist, the treatment to achieve a remission of lupus should be carried out in a multidisciplinary manner.

C & That is to say that it should bring together several professionals specializing in different fields of medicine.As for drugs, he explains: "Pharmacotherapy offers a lot of possibilities, such as corticosteroids, chloroquine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and more modern immunobiological. "

Daily care of patients include the use of sunscreen, to avoid smoking, to engage in regular physical activity after to have controlled the inflammatory phase and stabilized the disease

There is no cure

The hope of a cure for lupus is still something e far removed from the medical community, according to Yabuta. "The goal of treatment is always the search for remission of the disease.Unfortunately, we can not talk about cure.However, the prognosis of lupus patients has improved considerably in recent decades." [19659002] For him, the big secret is to seek early diagnosis, to institute early treatment and to never lose sight of regular follow-up, even during periods of remission.

Good humor is essential

The Aparecida educator Maria da Silva Souza, 61, received her diagnosis of lupus in 1984. The patient says that living with the disease even in remission, requires care that must be followed precisely. At the time of her diagnosis, she claims to have been very scared. "I did not have a lot of information about the disease and so I was very worried," she says.

The pedagogue Aparecida Maria warns about the importance of taking care of lupus in her daily life (Photo: Aparecida Maria da Silva Souza / Personal archive)

In addition, part of the fear that She felt it was because the doctors were stressed that there was no cure for the disease. The pedagogue emphasizes the importance of health care, even if the disease is controlled in the body.

"You have to be careful, I do blood tests every year, even though I'm in remission, but I can not relax," he says, but Aparecida says the good mood is fundamental and it helps to treat autoimmune diseases more lightly.

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